119. Hostility [Tyki]

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Theme: Hostility

Person: Tyki Mikk

"Stop right there." Tyki stared at [Name], an intense gaze causing shivers to go down her spine.

She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What? Why?"

"Because it's better if you don't." He explained, "Or else I'll kill what's most important to you." His golden eyes penetrated through [Name]'s [Eye Colour] eyes, telling her that danger was about to come.

"I...I don't get you." Her eyes narrowed.

Tyki's lips curled into a smirk, before he started to laugh, loudly and sort of hysterically. She was taken aback, but regained composure and stared straight at him.

"What's so funny?"

"What's funny is, is that you will not go whether I tell you to or not to..." Tyki got rid of his smile and laughter, "And a result of that...I'll take away what's most precious to you."

"What's important to me?" Instantly, flashes of her family, friends and allies were present. Her eyes narrowed, "Don't you dare..."

"If you want...I'll take your life here and now...there's nothing stopping me." Tyki was in front of her in a second, his arm already right through her chest.

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