80. Crosspatch [Kanda]

722 24 2

Theme: Crosspatch

Person: Kanda Yu

[Name] grinned as she spotted the long haired exorcist coming through from the cafeteria doors. She was in the kitchen with Jerry, who she managed to persuade to come in only to do a special something to his best soba customer.

"You have such a great idea, [Name]-chan!" Jerry gushed, readying the soba for his customer.

[Name] grinned, walking over to the finished soba bowl. She dished out a salt and pepper shaker, and began to grind the ingredients into little powdery like bits into Kanda's soba, which, this time in winter, was hot. She stirred it a few times, making sure that nothing was to be seen in it that resembled what she put it. Smiling widely, she called Jerry's name.

"All done?" Jerry asked, appearing next to [Name]. She nodded, throwing away the empty bottle of salt and pepper. Jerry raised an eyebrow at how much she used, but shrugged. It was a good way to prank Kanda, since he was so stoic and expressionless.

"Hot soba." Kanda's voice spoke, at the front. [Name] quickly hid behind something, listening in on Jerry and Kanda.

She heard Jerry handing the bowl to Kanda, before Kanda went after saying a brief thanks. She unveiled herself and went over to look at Kanda's reaction from behind Jerry.

They watched as he sat down, snapped his wooden chopsticks and began to eat. But as soon as he took his first bite, he had an expressionless face, before it warped into one of disgust. He spat it out and glared at the bowl of soba, before walking over angrily at Jerry's front.

He placed the bowl down, pushing it forward, spilling it almost. "Make me another one. Without that idiot's help." He snapped.

"Idiot? Which one?" Jerry played dumb.

"The one behind you."

Crap...[Name] bobbed down and made her escape to the door, opening it and escaping for her dear life. But, her escape didn't last long as Kanda grabbed her shirt collar and dragged her to Jerry's front, grabbing the bowl of soba before trying to make her eat some.

She pushed it away from her, before waving her arms around in front so that the bowl wouldn't get anywhere near her face, and thus, not to her mouth either. But, after a split second, she hit the side of the bowl and it tipped all the way so that it splashed on the holder. [Name] stopped moving around after she felt that Kanda's grip had loosened a bit. She looked at what had happened, only to see a soaked in hot soba Kanda!

Gulping, she nervously pushed Kanda's hand back to him, before bolting off for her life.



"Poor, poor, [Name]-chan..." Jerry sighed.

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