128. Ecstasy [Kanda]

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Theme: Ecstasy

Person: Kanda Yu

[Name] and Lavi grinned as they thought of a great idea together. They wanted to, and needed, a guinea pig for their experiment. Not an actual guinea pig, but a human guinea pig.

"Do you know who I have in mind?" Lavi grinned evilly.

[Name] chuckled darkly, "Why yes I do."

They high fived each other before they started to make their invention. Their invention was a machine like thing, something that would enable them to make someone happy. That was their goal. They had originally developed the idea for themselves when they are feeling sad and low, but then an evil thought came into mind and they stuck with that instead, preferring thrill and trouble instead of happiness and joy.

"Done!" They both wiped their foreheads and grinned as their machine gun of happiness was finished.

"Now to find that guy..." They looked into their secret 1 metre square hole in the wall, covered by an invisible wall of 'wall'. They spotted the man walking at the opposite end. Lavi and [Name]glanced at each other before they pressed the 'shoot' button, launching a small and quiet, but powerful and quick, bullet that contained powder that made somebody extremely happy.

But, that man, Kanda, looked straight at where Lavi and [Name] were, before he grabbed his Mugen and started to slice the air.

Lavi and [Name] stared in disbelief at the sliced up shards of the small bullet floated in the air, along with the happiness powder they had made. It was going straight for the science laboratory workers.

The two culprits listened carefully at the science workers as they began to feel the effects of the happiness powder.

Suddenly, singing, screaming and many other colourful and happy things came into play. They were in complete ecstasy, to put it simply.

Lavi and [Name] gulped. "Weren't we supposed to go for Kanda...?"

"Yeah, but he completely destroyed it!"

"So it was you two idiots..."


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