42. Compassion [Kanda Yu]

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Theme: Compassion

Person: Kanda Yu

[Name] had been told, years ago, that he was the lone survivor of the artificial apostle's project. They had described it as horrific and destructive and never said anything that was happy, nor delightful; it seemed to her that it was dipped in thick black ink.

She's been at the Order for a long time, just like him. They've never spoken before, but they would often be in the same room, quiet and silent. Strangely, they didn't mind each other's presence. But, deep inside, whenever [Name] was anywhere near the exorcist, she would think of what the others have said about his past. Those thoughts would dwell in her mind.

She didn't think he noticed - since the times she saw him, he was emotionless, never even looking in her direction. Well, not that she noticed, anyway.

When they bumped shoulders in the hallway when passing a corner, she mumbled her apologies and continued on her way, but he spoke her name, making her stop and turn around.

"Stop the compassion." He said directly, before continuing his way.

[Name] was surprised, quite surprised, that she forgot to move until there was a loud sound from beneath, before she kept on moving.

Kanda had noticed.

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