17. Alarm [Komui Lee]

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Theme: Alarm

Person: Komui Lee

"Komui, what are you making?" [Name] asked, raising a delicate eyebrow at the older man. He was the supervisor of the Order. It wondered her that he wasn't doing any other work. Strange, she had to put it.

Apparently to [Name]'s [Eye Colour] eyes, he was currently screwing something in to a hunk of metal. She hoped it wasn't one of his out of the world experiments again. She and the whole Order have had enough of them already.

"Nothing!" Komui said quickly, grinning at her as he whipped around to meet her eyes. He shooed her away and continued on his masterpiece.

[Name] pouted. "Fine! If you won't tell me, Lenalee will..." [Name] made her way to where she knew the supervisor's sister was, in the cafeteria with Allen, since they just finished a mission together. [Name] made her way over when she spotted them.

"Lenalee, Allen! Hello!" She greeted, giving a little wave. They acknowledged her and waved back, a smile on their faces. "Anyways, to the point." She turned to the girl that grew up with Komui, "Lenalee, do you know what your brother is making?" She asked, curiosity peeking through.

Lenalee pondered for a moment. She didn't recall anything that he was making. "I have no idea. Why don't you ask him yourself?" She asked.

[Name] pouted once again, crossing her arms. "He shooed my out when I asked."

"Oh. When he finishes it we'll be able to know then." Lenalee shrugged. "I guess you've got to wait a few days."

Listening to Lenalee's advice, she waited a few days before bothering Komui again. He was holding on to a remote control of some sort.

"Oi, Komui! What were you making?" [Name] asked.

Komui spun around, a wide grin on his lips as he pressed the huge red button situated in the middle of the remote. "KOMURIN 5!" He shouted, laughing.

[Name]'s eyes widened as she saw the large thing that was in front of her. Apparently Komui was working on one of those things again. And this time, they could go invisible!

[Name] prepared her Innocence, taking it out of her front pocket and invoking it so that it went larger. She was about to attack when the large robot quickly took her Innocence from her hands, rendering her unable to attack.

"WHAT?" She exclaimed, jumping up to try and claim back her Innocence. Komui laughed, his arms crossed as he saw her distress.

"Komurin 5 has the ability to take Innocence away from accommodators!" He said proudly.


-Extended Ending-

"Brother..." Lenalee appeared by the door, sighing. She walked in, looking up at the large Komurin and [Name], trying to get back her Innocence. She sighed.

"Don't you like the new Komurin 5?" Komui boasted.

"Go back to a hunk of metal!" Lenalee invoked her dark boots and kicked through the Komurin, only to have it grab onto her leg before she actually attacked it.

"Hahaha! I've observed all of your Innocence's, and I have all the ways to stop it!" Komui shouted happily.

At that time, Kanda walked past, gave the Komurin 5 a death glare, before turning to Komui. "What kind of lame crap did you make this time?"

"It is—"

"First Illusion: Hells' insects!" Kanda waved her sword and the attack of illusionist insects came out, destroying the new Komurin. Sheathing his sword, Kanda smirked smugly before going off.

The Komurin crashed to the ground in a heap, releasing [Name]'s Innocence and Lenalee. Komui ran over to his Komurin, crying anime tears.

"I forgot that you were vulnerable against special Innocence attacks..." Komui said sadly. "KANDA YOU JERK!" He screamed, loud enough for the whole entire HQ to hear.

Somewhere inside, a person smirked.

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