62. Bitter [Kanda Yu]

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Theme: Bitter

Person: Kanda Yu

"We're going to the beach~! We're going to the beach~!" [Name] sung, running around with her packed suitcase.

Kanda grunted, scowling. "Che. Shut up."

"Hm? What, what? Are you going to the beach, too?!" [Name]'s eyes widened, and started to speak before Kanda was able to even open his mouth, "Oh my gosh! You're going to the beach too?! I can't believe it! All my exorcist friends are going! Are you excited for the trip?!" She asked, jumping up and down.

Kanda pushed past her to go off into his own direction, but she clung on to his arm, holding on tight.

"Gah! Get off me!" Kanda swung his arm around, trying to get the smaller girl off, but to no avail. "What do you want?!" He growled.

"Pack your things! You're going to the beach with me and Lavi! Allen is probably going to go, too, so please! Come on!" [Name] held onto Kanda's arm.

She looked up to Kanda's eyes, seeing him glare down at her.

"I'll decide whether I want to or not. Now get off me."

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