97. Optimism [Allen]

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Theme: Optimism

Person: Allen Walker

[Name] wandered onto the sand, wondering where her best friend went. She held onto two ice creams that were starting to melt at a rapid pace, and whilst retrieving them, her friend was gone. It was none other than Allen Walker.

She searched everywhere on the beach and everywhere near it. "Allen-kun!" She called, here and there. But, to no avail, did she find him. She sighed and sat down under her umbrella, shielding her from the sun. She ate the packed ice cream that she had gotten for herself, and stuffed Allen's one into the ice cooler.

Whilst she ate, she couldn't help but notice there was a volleyball game on. She noticed a white haired boy there, jumping up to hit the ball, a huge grin on his face after finding out that he had won.

So that was where he was...[Name] sighed.

Allen was congratulating his team members and the opponents when he noticed that [Name] was staring and watching them. He excused himself from the group and went over to her, smiling.

"[Name]-chan! Did you see that? We won the game!" He pulled out a black cap and shoved it on his head, the opposite way around.

"It's good that you're so optimistic about it, but your ice cream is melting." [Name] took his ice cream out from the cooler and shoved it in his face. "Eat it now or I will."

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