56. Suspense [Lavi]

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Theme: Suspense

Person: Lavi

[Name] and Lavi stood in the doorway of the room of many akuma; they were there on an undercover mission. The two of them didn't want to get found out - it only brought more trouble. Everyone in the building was akuma, except for the two of them.

The air they breathed in was full of cigarette smoke - the akuma were heavy smokers, both girl and boy. The ground was full of dirt and grime, very dirty, showing how unclean the place was. It was disastrous. If they alerted one akuma, they alerted the whole house.

Slowly they crept, crept to the top akuma's room, on their tip toes, ready to use their Innocence if necessary. It was quite the feat - getting past hundreds of rooms without anybody noticing.

When they reached, the room was silent and closed off - dark and cloudy. They couldn't see anything, their vision was blank and so were their senses. They didn't know that they were drugged with an air drug when they first entered the place - from the cigarette smoke. A dark shadow loomed over the two small exorcists - contrasting between big and small, shadows and light, heavy and not heavy.

A dark hand, from their right side, got ready to strike them. Lavi and [Name]'s eyes darted to the side, seeing the hand, which was the size of an elephant, maybe bigger. Getting ready, they began their tactic.


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