59. Gloom [Allen Walker]

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Theme: Gloom

Person: Allen Walker

"Hey...when is Jerry coming back?" [Name] asked, sulking in the cafeteria corner.

Allen, who was beside her in the sulking corner, wiped away tears of sadness. "I don't know..."

"ARGH! WHEN IS JERRY COMING BACK?" [Name] shouted to the ceiling. It echoed throughout the cafeteria, earning her several looks of confusion.

"JERRY! COME BACK TO US! DON'T GO AWAY!" Allen shouted, sobbing.

"What? I only went to give Lenalee some water because she's was busy." Jerry spoke, tapping the two of them on the head.

"JERRY!" [Name] and Allen jumped on the unsuspecting Jerry, crying their eyeballs out. "WE'VE MISSED YOU!"

"There, there..." Jerry smiled, before throwing the two of them off. "Clean yourselves up before talking to me."

Dumfounded, the two exorcists stared up at Jerry. "Huh?"

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