75. Depression [Lavi, Kanda & Allen]

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Theme: Depression

Person: Lavi, Allen Walker & Kanda Yu

"You know how the Millennium Earl always has his jaw open? Is it dislocated or something?" Lavi asked, reading off the letter that had been sent in from somewhere where they did not know.

They had intruded Kanda's peace in the cafeteria to ask this question after they had answered the one about him before, revolving around him eating soba in the winter.

"STOP EATING THAT, BEANSPROUT!" Kanda snapped at Allen as the white haired exorcist took the rest of his hot soba. He had taken it when Kanda's attention was on Lavi when they appeared.

"Don't be too stingy, Kanda." Allen munched the rest of the soba, drinking the liquid at a fast pace.

"Now about the Earl...I noticed something a while ago." Lavi started. "His teeth...are incredibly white and sparkly!"

Kanda held up his empty bowl of soba and glared with fury at the emptiness.

"Hmph...why don't I ever get part in any of these discussion rooms?!" [Name] whined, sitting in a dark corner, holding her knees and anime tears flowing down her cheeks.

"...don't get all depressed, [Name]!" Allen went over to her, wanting to calm her down, before Kanda held him back, grabbing the back of his collar shirt.



"See...? I'm never in these...oh, now I'm just talking to myself...great."

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