85. Glee [Allen]

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Theme: Glee

Person: Allen Walker

[Name] turned around, raising an eyebrow as she felt like being watched and stalked. She had this strange feeling, but she wasn't so sure, since she couldn't exactly see the person who was tailing her. Damn them for being so concealed, she had mumbled.

The female continued walking, before she heard the light shuffling of feet to rush after her after stopping for a brief second. She turned around again, catching a movement of white hair.

She puffed her cheeks. "Allen-kun! Why are you stalking me?" She asked.

It was silent for a second, before Allen peeked from around the corner, before revealing himself. His hands were behind his back and seemed to be holding something.

"Allen-kun? Is something wrong...?" [Name] asked carefully, trying to see if he was hiding something.

"Ah! [Name]-chan, there's a bug there!" Allen exclaimed, pointing to the pole next to her. She looked over to her side out of reflex of a bug, but was tricked, since Allen pecked her on the cheek.

[Name] gasped, her face turning red. "W-What?!" She stared at Allen with astonishment.

Allen put the thing he hid in front of him, a parcel wrapped beautifully. "Happy Valentine's day!"

-Extended Ending-

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" [Name] tilted her head. Allen flushed a deep red, feeling embarrassed. She thought he was adorable like that. "But, thank you!"

She gave him a kiss on the cheek, before skipping off.

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