92. Zeal [Kanda]

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Theme: Zeal

Person: Kanda Yu

[Name] approached Kanda, a determined aura surrounding her. She was definitely going to get what she wanted to get.

"Kanda! I will definitely, definitely, get you to teach me how to fight with a sword!" [Name] said, determination flaring in her eyes.

"No." Kanda bluntly replied, before he was on his way.

[Name] growled, before following him. "Why not?" She asked.

"Because you're too weak." He responded.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because I heard that from Komui."

"Hah? You heard it from...KOMUI!" [Name] shouted. "I'm going to get him..."

[Name] ran the way to Komui's office, before stopping 5 metres away from Kanda, after running 5 metres. "Kanda! You better promise to teach me to fight with a sword!"

There was no reply, so [Name] took a pen out of her pocket and threw it his way. He caught it, without even looking.

"I said promise!" She pouted.

Kanda rolled his eyes. "Whatever, fine. Just go."

"Yes! Thanks, Kanda!" With that, [Name] sprinted off to find Komui.

Kanda looked at the pen he caught, before his smirked. On the pen read a little message:

'I will definitely, definitely own your ass!'

"Like hell you will!"

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