57. Aggravation [Kanda Yu]

809 22 2

Theme: Aggravation

Person: Kanda Yu

[Name] sat closer to the long haired male. He glanced at her from the side of his eye, suspicious that she was going to do something annoying.

When the coast was clear, [Name] shifted another 3cm closer to Kanda.

Kanda's eyebrows furrowed slightly at her. What was she doing?

In the next 5 minutes, [Name] had moved from being 4 metres away to being 20 centimetres. Kanda had been watching her the entire time, getting more annoyed every second.

When [Name] decided to sit next to Kanda, 1cm away from him, Kanda got very annoyed.

"What is with you?" Kanda glared at the smaller girl.

[Name] stared at him innocently, blinking her eyes at him. "What are you talking about?"

Kanda frowned, before standing up and leaving, crossing his arms on the way. "I've had enough of your shit!"

Slamming the door, [Name] tilted her head.

"Did you get him?" Allen asked, appearing right beside [Name]. Lavi appeared on the opposite side of Allen, grinning.

"We got him~!" He laughed.

-Extended Ending-

On the other side of the door, Kanda readied his Mugen.

"Die; annoying idiots..."

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