25. Dislike [Komui Lee]

826 11 1

Theme: Dislike

Person: Komui Lee

"Komui...you know what?" [Name] started, crossing her arms and walking towards Komui, who worked in his laboratory with all the other scientists. Today, some scientists from the Asian Branch had come over to help with some scientific thing that they were working on. [Name] disapproved what they were doing. Apparently they were working to make a dead akuma back alive. They were trying to see if it were possible and also to see if there were any hidden secrets that the Earl had hidden from them.

But that's only what they told [Name].

Thing is, was that [Name] knew that they were lying and that they were doing something else. They wouldn't let anyone else near the science labs.

"Huh? What, what?" Komui asked, turning around, surprised. Like normal, he was working on something.

[Name] tried to peer over his shoulder, but failed to do so. "What are you making?"

"...I'm nearly finished so just wait a little-" Komui was cut off by [Name] shoving him out of the way. Komui stumbled to the side and [Name] took a quick look at the item he worked on.

A smile was on her face, but it soon faded into a frown as she saw its contents. "What the hell...is this?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

The Chief supervisor pushed his glasses up. "Well, you know, it's the new thing that we were thinking of making. Sort of like, a-"

[Name] picked up the small toy, throwing it at the Chief and cutting him off. "Who would want to buy something that looks like you?" She scoffed, stomping off.

Komui caught the Komurin I keychain and looked at it, wide eyed. A waterfall of fake anime tears fell as he watched after [Name].

"[Name], you're so mean!"

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