109. Contempt [Tyki]

521 13 1

Theme: Contempt

Person: Tyki Mikk

[Name] shoved the tall handsome man into the photo, because the Earl had wanted him to be in it. It was a family portrait, with [Name] taking the picture since she wasn't officially part of the family, and it was only of the awakened Noahs. She wasn't one, so she couldn't join, sadly.

"Move a little bit to the right!" She instructed, "No, to the left!" She paused, watching as they followed. "That's right. Stay still for about 20 seconds...and don't forget to smile!"

"1." She pressed down onto the button so that it flashed, "9." [Name] adjusted the camera, "17." She took one last photo, before taking the black cloth off her head. "Done!"

The Noah family all sighed deeply and made their respective ways back to whatever they were doing before. Tyki walked up next to [Name]. She greeted him.

"Is there any way to see the pictures?" He asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know. I'm not a photographer."

"Why make us stand still for 20 seconds? That was hard labour, you know! You and that camera should be held in contempt of the mansion!" Tyki crossly crossed his arms and went off.

[Name] watched as he went. "I guess Tyki doesn't like cameras! And how is standing for 20 seconds hard labour? This guy..."

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