29. Enthusiasm [Allen Walker]

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Theme: Enthusiasm

Person: Allen Walker

[Name], Lavi, Kanda and Krory stared at the pack of cards that Allen had brought out. Today was a day that they were off work, not really, but they didn't have any missions. They were in Allen's room, all sitting on the floor thanks to Allen himself dragging them there.

"A deck of cards?" [Name] questioned. Allen nodded.

Kanda scowled. "What the hell did you bring me here for? To play stupid card games?" Allen frowned at the stoic male.

"Shut up, BaKanda. And yes to your question." He said, in the same tone as Kanda, if not a little more polite.

"Hm...are we going to play poker?" Lavi asked, looking at the cards interestingly.

"Cards? Poker?" Krory asked. He had a flashback of when he first met Allen and Lavi. They were on the train, he had wandered off, and next thing he knew, he was stripped to his underwear by some guys who had cheated him by poker. Krory shuddered at the cold memory. He didn't ever want to play cards ever after that fateful day. Quickly standing up, he said that he had something to do and left briskly, slamming the door behind him.

"Anyway...we're going to play poker, like Lavi said." Allen said, shuffling the cards.

"BRING IT ON, ALLEN WALKER!" [Name] pointed to the white haired boy, a grin on her face. She was heated up for this match; not only because she wanted to play, but because Allen owned her last time by cheating the last card when they said no cheating. This time, she'd give him a taste of his own medicine!

"Hm...? What do we wager?" Lavi asked.

"We don't have any possessions here, so how about our clothes?" Allen shrugged, looking oh-so-innocent.

"Clothes?" Kanda and Lavi raised an eyebrow, slightly twitching. "Why clothes?"

"Because it'd make it more interesting." Allen replied, a smile on his lips.

"Who the hell would agree to-" Kanda snapped, but was cut off short.

"BRING IT ON, MONKEY BOY!" [Name] shouted, standing up and placing her hands on her hips. "You're not going to win this time!"

A gleam shone in Allen's eye. "Oh? We'll see about that."

"...only her." Kanda lowly growled.

-Extended Ending-

"She was so enthusiastic about it before..." Lavi started.

"...and not anymore!" Allen finished, grinning as he grabbed [Name]'s ribbon. He avoided the hateful glare that she had on him, quickly getting a blanket from behind him in case of emergency and threw it at [Name]. "Here. You'll catch cold."

"WHAT ABOUT US?" Lavi cried, hugging his knees.

"Well, it's not my fault that all of you suck at poker." Allen shrugged.

"Why don't you go die in a freaking hole, Moyashi!" Kanda growled, grabbing Mugen from behind him and unsheathing it.

"Uh oh." Allen's eyes widened. He jumped up and escaped the long haired man, slamming the door behind him as he ran away.

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