58. Shock [Allen Walker]

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Theme: Shock

Person: Allen Walker

[Name] sat down by the chair, swinging her legs on the chair, humming a soft song. She waited for her good friend, Allen, to show up for their little date. But, all he just wanted to do was talk to her. She didn't know what, though, but she hoped that it was something good.

"Hey, [Name]." Allen spoke, smiling as he approached her for their meeting.

[Name] smiled upon seeing his face, before letting him sit down. "Hi!"

Allen sat down, before he turned to her, a brave front on. "About the thing that I wanted to tell you..." He trailed off, getting [Name]'s immediate attention that is was something bad.

"Wha...what is it?" [Name] managed to stammer out.

"I...I actually don't feel the same way as you do, [Name]. That is why...we should just stay as friends." Allen spoke, looking at [Name]'s [Eye Colour] eyes.

"Allen..." [Name] spoke, the tears filling up her eyes fast, then dripping down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry..." Allen apologized, embracing her into a hug.

-Extended Ending-

"CUT!" The Director Komui shouted.

Allen and [Name] stopped their scene and looked up. They had just finished filming their little movie about Allen and [Name], which was supposed to be a romantic type movie, because they were actually romantically connected.

"How was it?" Allen and [Name] asked, their eyes bright.

"It was HORRIBLE! DO IT AGAIN!" Komui shouted, pointing to the set again.

"WHAT? WHY THE HUNDRETH TIME?" The whole crew shouted, echoing it through the park.

"Because I want to see it again." Komui grinned. His facial features turned dark again. "Now get back to work! Chop chop!"

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