13. Rejection [Kanda Yu]

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Theme: Rejection

Person: Kanda Yū

[Name] stared at the Japanese exorcist in front of her, eyes saddened. She had just told him the thing that she kept in her heart since she first saw him, the feelings that she felt towards him. But when she told him, he didn't have much of a reaction.

Kanda's thoughts raced. [Name] just told him her feelings. He didn't consider them. He had merely shrugged her off, as if he didn't care. But deep inside, he did. It seemed his heart wrenched when he did that, seeing her saddened face and tense figure.

"K-Kanda...?" [Name] asked, [Eye Colour] eyes meeting dark ones.

"[Name]...it's better if you didn't hold feelings for me." Kanda said, quietly.

[Name]'s eyes widened and she bit her bottom lip. "What are you talking about?"

Kanda was silent, before turning around and walking off. [Name]'s breathing hitched and out of instinct, she grabbed his wrist with both hands, not letting go. Kanda stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder slightly to see [Name] holding him.


"Don't...don't go..." [Name] whimpered, tears brimming.

She felt as if her heart had broken into 2 when Kanda had begun to walk off. She's never felt this way before, but has heard of it, never feeling it herself until now. She's brushed it off as something that wasn't that hurtful, but in reality, it was one of the most painful things imaginable.

How could people live with this pain?

Kanda fell silent, before he made up his mind. "[Name]. Go. Go back to the Order." He shook her hands off his arm, before he walked off, leaving a tearful [Name] behind.

Before long, [Name]'s tears rolled down her cheek, her chest hurting. She covered her face with her hands and fell onto her knees, sobbing from her pained heart and for Kanda.

Kanda didn't consider [Name]'s feelings because it was better to keep her safe, when they weren't close.

He should have never gotten close to her.

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