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                                                                            3 months later...

Yeonjun paced his room, he had been trying for months to figure out what was going on with him. Many of his memories of the last year were gone, just a blur of moments.

His recalling the last year was like trying to watch a scratched dvd, it just kept skipping over parts.

He wasn't the only one, all his members had the same thing going on with them. None of them could recall what had happened.

Just yesterday he had walked into their spare room. One that he thought was still only filled with Taehyuns' extra workout equipment.

It wasn't though. It had a bed and a dresser. One that was filled with girls clothing. The bed had the scent of someone none of them could remember.

When had a person stayed here? They don't just let random people in their dorm.

Their bathroom also had girl stuff in it, he had thought at first Beomgyu had just bought it because he saw something on the internet. Beomgyu was weird, so that could have easily been it, but now that they had seen what was in the room... they weren't so sure it was Beomgyu.

Beomgyu had denied it over and over again, but Yeonjun didn't trust him until he found the girls stuff in the spare room.

There was something else odd as well. Andromalius hasn't spoken to them in months.

Yeonjun stops his pacing and makes his mind up, he was going to Andromlius' palace and demanding to know why he wasn't contacting them.

There was something off here and he needed to know why.

Without letting any of the others know, Yeonjun was already at Andromalius' doors.

He knocked even though he knew Andromlius would know he was here as soon as he showed up.

Yeonjun paced back and forth as no one came to answer the door. He debated opening it for a few minutes before he just goes for it.

Yeonjun steps and shuts the door behind him slowly.

The entryway which was usually crawling with lesser demons was empty. There was no sight or sound of them.

"What the hell?" Yeonjun asked himself lowly. He had never seen this place so empty. "Anromalius!" He called out.

He entered the throne room and froze in his tracks. A weird feeling came crashing down on him as he smelt demon blood, but there wasn't just demon blood.

He could smell his own blood... and that girl that had been in their dorm. He could smell her blood too.

He walked slowly through the room, trying to figure out how his blood was here, and that girls.

Who was she and why had she been in their dorm and here?

After searching the whole palace, Yeonjun returned to the dorm.

Seeking out his members he makes them all come to the living room so he could tell them what he had found.

"Something isn't adding up." Huening Kai said as he rubbed at his chin.

"Someone took our memories," Soobin said after a moment. "That would be the only explanation."

"But, who and why?" Taehyun asked as he stood up shaking his hands out.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now