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I step out of the bathroom, healed and now clean.

"Hungry?" Taehyun asked as he pushes off the wall across from me.

"Were you waiting for me?" I ask as I brush a strand of damp hair out of my face.

He shrugs as he grabs my hand, pulling me after him. "What if I was?" He asked as he looked over his shoulder.

I don't know how to respond to that, it made me smile though. "Wait, I wanted to check on Beomgyu." I had yet to see him since I got back.

"He's in the kitchen, eating already."

It was about 4 in the morning, and everyone was up.

"We're all going to be zombies tomorrow." I comment as we make it to the kitchen.

"Good thing we have tomorrow off to rest." Beomgyu said as he stood up.

I open my arms for a hug, so happy to see that he was unharmed. I pull back after a few moments and slap his upper arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" He rubbed at his arm a pout on his lips.

"Making me worry."

"What?" He almost screams as he looks around the room at everyone.

"Sit down." Taehyun tells him as he sets the cups of noodles on the table. No one was up for cooking an actual meal, noodles would just have to do.

I take the seat across from him, getting a bit of noodles right away, blowing them off a little before shoving them into my mouth.

"You're going to hurt your stomach eating that fast."

I look up with a few noodles hanging out my mouth as Yeonjun walks in. I slurp them up, taking a moment to get them down. "So? I'm grown, I will eat as fast, or slow as I want."

He shakes his head as he gets his own cup of noodles as well.

I duck my head down to hide the small smile as he takes the seat next to me. I had wanted him to sit next to me, but I would never ask that. I just felt better with him close after what had happened.

The table is quickly filled with the sound of us all eating after Huening Kai and Soobin join us. Everyone readying to sleep after getting a full stomach.

I stand a few minutes later, tossing my trash away and getting a drink of water before bidding them all a goodnight.

"It's morning." Beomgyu replied with a goofy grin.

I walk by him and pop him on the back of the head. "Shut up." I say with a laugh.

I was about to enter my room when I stop, feeling Yeonjun a few steps behind me.

"You okay?" I ask him as I catch him staring.

"I don't want to let you out of my sight."

"That came off a little creepy." I reply and crack a small smile.

He lets out a huff and rolls his eyes.

I step over to him and grab his hand. "Don't expect this to become a regular thing." I say as I pull him into my room.

I push him towards the right side of my bed before going around to the left side.

"Are you fine with me sleeping in here?" He questions as he stands on the other side of my bed, not making a move to lay down.

"I think I would sleep better with you next to me." I pull the blanket back and sit down, turning to face him and patting the bed.

He cracks a smile as he gets into bed, leaning his upper half back on the headrest.

I lay down and ease a little closer to him, not sure about getting too close to him just yet.

He slides down so he was now laying down, turning to face me.

I let out a small yelp as he quickly reaches over and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.

"Is this okay?" He asked in a whisper.

We were so close if I moved my head down our noses would touch, if I moved it up, our lips would touch.

"Yeah." I didn't want to pull away, but my back was still stiff with uncertainty.

"Then relax."

I let out a small laugh, wiggling a little to try and loosen up my stiff muscles.

"You did great today... I may not have found you in time, and that scared me so much." He said after some time of silence.

I reach up and grab his hand that was between us, giving his hand a good squeeze. "I'm here, let's not dwell on what could have happened."

He pulls our hands up, twisting them around and laying a soft kiss on the back of mine.

I fight the smile that tried to tug at the corner of my lips, my neck and cheeks heating up.

He lets my hand go to brush my hair back away from my face, making me want to squirm as he stared at me, a soft smile on his lips.

"After what happened today... I really need to work harder on training. If it wasn't for Rerek, I don't think I would have made it out."

Yeonjun's hand pauses. "He helped you?"

"Yeah, he knocked out Valefar."

Yeonjun hums as he starts to mess with my hair again.

"What happens now, by the way? About Valefar, will he try to come after me again?"

"He will."

"Is there a way to stop him?"

He lets out a sigh as he turns over on his back. "The only way to stop him from wanting to take Rerek's powers from you is to make them your own. When they become your own, he will no longer feel the presence of Rerek in you. Leaving him no way to find you because your scent will change."

I use my elbow to lift my upper body. "How do I do that?"

"You have to become immortal." 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now