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I sit next to Soobin as Taehyun paces the living room. The half demons were up in one of the other studios, Yeonjun had threw a fit earlier for some reason. He was convinced Soren had done something to cause all of this.

"Taehyun, stop. Let's just all calm down and let it go for a minute... This shit has been on our backs for far to long. Let it be for a while." I was tired of worrying about dying, I thought for once the world was on my side. I was dead wrong. Of course, the world still wanted me gone.

"Evelyn, we will figure this out." Huening Kai said from across the coffee table.

"No!" I stand, ignoring the pain that shot up my legs. "I'm done trying to fight for my life when I'm clearly meant to die! Just let it go, all of you!" I turn and head out the door.

I felt my heart squeeze as I thought over how I just acted towards them, they were just worried about me, as always, and I was a bitch. As always.

I was tired of them worrying over me, they had done everything they could do. It was all for nothing in the end.

I make it to the roof before I pull up short. I stare out over the railing, just taking in the sight of the sun slowly rising.

Tears pool in my eyes, and I do nothing to hold them back.

I let myself fall to my knees as a sob breaks free. It was all for nothing.

All the time, the effort, the energy. All of it was for nothing.

"Why?" I lean my head back and look at the sky that was lighting up as the sun rose higher and higher. "What did I do wrong?" I let my head fall, the bright blue of the sky only making me feel worse.

Soon enough I would never see all these bright colors, I wouldn't feel the light morning breeze on my skin, all of this would be gone.

There were no other options, we had placed all our chips on Taehyun's spell.

"You did nothing wrong, the world loves to tear good peolple down."

I snap my head up and meet Yeonjun's eyes.

"What do you want?"

He says nothing as he walks over and squats down in front of me.

I narrow my eyes as he stays there a moment just looking at me. I jerk a little as he grabs my hands gently.

"I came to check on you." He replies, his eyes on our hands.

"Why now? You never seemed to care before." I comment as I try and pull my hands back to me. That's wasn't fully true, he had seemed to show some worry for me before... it was still odd feeling coming from him.

His grip on my hands tightened, keeping me in place.

"How are you feeling?" He completely ignored my question.

"Confused, why are you really here Yeonjun? You've always loved to give me hell. Why act like you really care now?" This time, I jerk my hands away and land on my ass. "I don't get it. Why give me so much hell, ignore me, treat me like shit, act as if I'm nothing more then dog shi-"

My ranting got cut off as he leaned forward on his hands quickly and placed his lips on mine. Just like my dream, this kiss was hot and rushed.

I was so stunned that I couldn't move for a few heart beats, but as he started to pull away, I brought my hand up and grabbed his shirt.

I thought I had already kissed him once, this time around, I was just going to enjoy the moment just in case it was another dream.

After a while he pulled away, just far enough to rest his forehead on mine.

"I care about you Evelyn, I have for a while... I just know, nothing good will come from me caring for you."

Next thing I knew he was standing up and rushing to leave.

"Yeonjun!" I call after him, wanting answers.

What did he mean that he had cared for me for a while now? He damn sure hasn't shown it very well.

I got no answer other then the slamming of the roofs door.

Now I had more to think and ponder over.

Other then death, I seem to have so many confusing things chasing me as well.

I sigh as I lay down on the concrete roof, my eyes staring up into the light blue sky. There were no clouds to dust the sky, nothing but miles and miles of baby blue before me now.

Miles and miles of unanswered questions. Miles and miles of hardships I had already come over, and many more waiting for me it seemed.

Not if you die soon.

I was back to this, knowing I was dying, knowing I would be gone from this world soon enough.


Yeonjun leaned on the closed door, his mind racing as he realized what he just did.

He fucked up. Big time.

He wasn't meant to show his feelings to her, to anyone at all.

Not that the others were blind to how he had been acting, they knew something was up.

He was messing up, and there was no going back now.

It was to late, he just kissed her. He admitted he cared for her. It was far to late to back track.

"Fuck." He said as he hit his head into the door behind him.

He paused as he thought about Evelyn hearing him and coming to find out what the banging sound was.

Things were becoming a mess and he added to it.

Yeonjun pushed off the door, anger rising as he thought about the fact that Evelyn was dying once again.

There had to be a way to stop what was happening...


He needed to speak with his boss about his offer to Evelyn. Maybe he could convince her to take the deal somehow.

He paused as the feeling of something deeper going on washed over him again. Someone was planning something and it involved someone he cared about.

He just couldn't pin point if it was Evelyn or one of his friends.

No matter who it was and why, he would make sure to put an end to it.


Another mess of a part ugh.

But they really kissed this time anddd Yeonjun admitted to caring for her for a while. Now we gotta look into why and when this all started... and what's going on? Why is he getting this weird feeling...? I know, but you don't. Ha ha!

Im playing! Lol

Anyways, I hope you guys are okay with the messy parts I have been posting idk what to write but I want to write so mf bad.

Until next time, I hope everyone has a good night/day!!<3

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