Iced Coffee

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"You think I could go out and get some coffee?" I ask Taehyun as we calm down after our sparring match.

"Just take Yeonjun with you." He said as he wiped his face with a towel.

I almost spit the water I had just drank all over him.

"Careful!" He exclaims as he ducks out of the way.

"Does he really have to go with me?" I wipe my mouth and send Taehyun a 'what the hell' look.

"Yes, you still can't be out alone."

I groan and toss my head back, why of all people. "Can't you just come?"

He shakes his head as he picks his things up. "I have a meeting to get to. If you want, we can go tomorrow?"

I really wanted to go today though...

"It's fine, I guess I could deal with him." I had been wanting coffee so bad, I usually drink a cup a day but, I haven't had any since I came here.

"Good luck." The gray haired man shoots back as he heads out the door.

I wait a moment, debating really hard if coffee was worth going somewhere with Yeonjun alone...

"I really don't know- Holy shit!"

"Taehyun, said you wanted to go out and get coffee?" Yeonjun said after he scared me half to death by appearing out of nowhere.

"Yeah." I curse the man in my head, I was still weighing how bad I wanted coffee.

"Okay, let's go." He turns on his heel and heads for the door he didn't even bother to use a second ago.

"Wait, I need to change." I was all sweaty and nasty feeling after doing hand to hand with Taehyun.

"Hurry up." He replied, sounding aggravated.

I roll my eyes and flick him off as I step pass him.

"Do that again, and you'll lose that finger."

I turn and do the most childish thing ever. I lift both my middle fingers and stick my tongue out at him... I didn't think anything would happen, until he was right in my face.

"You're so immature." He grounds out between his teeth as he takes a hold of both of my wrists.

"Let go." I snap while trying to wiggle my hands free. I let out a small gasp as he pushes me into the wall.

"I warned you." He replied as he put my hands above my head.

"You wouldn't really break my fingers off?" A big part of me believed he would.

He dips his head down a bit closer as he smirked, he knew I was at least a little worried he would. "If the others wouldn't bite my head off, I would." He then lets me go and steps back. "Count yourself lucky, I really don't want to hear Soobin nagging me."

I send him a glare as I hurry to my room, while also trying not to show I was a little shaken up.

I take a some what quick shower, not really bothered by making him wait longer for me. It actually made me smile a little knowing he was probably getting pissed off with me. Now that I was all clean and dressed, I make my way to the living room, where the ass was waiting. Feet up on the table and head leaned back.

"Took you long enough." He said as he set his feet down and got up.

I don't reply as I head for the door and slip my shoes on, I figured it was best to not test him. That last one still had me a little on edge, he was far to close for my liking.

We stepped into the elevator a moment later, the silence so thick you could easily cut it with a knife. It stayed that way all the way to the cafe.

"What do you want?" He questioned out of nowhere. I had been ready to order my own drink, saying what I wanted over and over again in my head, so I wouldn't mess up and look stupid... a bad habit of mine when ordering something, I grew very anxious.

I tell him what I wanted, watching his every move as he repeated it to the cashier. What was he planning? He had been doing small things to piss me off the past 2 days, pouring water on me, eating the last ice cream that had already been offered to me, even going as far as taking food off my plate. So, he had to be planning something.

"Thanks..." I mumble as I take the drink from him, giving him a once over as he didn't say something smart back.

Once again we fall silent as we head back out onto the busy street. My eyes sweeping over everything, taking in the moment. I have been stuck inside for far to long, I felt like I was released from a cage for just a moment. Taking small sips from my iced coffee as we walk at a steady pace, headed back to the very place that had become the cage. I knew it was for my own good, as well as other people. I didn't need something to make me flip and go on a killing spree. That would not be fun.

One moment I was taking in the people going about their day, then the next I was being shoved between two buildings. My drink falling from my hand as I'm pushed to the side forcefully.

"Son of a bitch." I let out as my back hits the side of a concrete building, my scalp burning at the back where my head made contact with the hard surface. "What the-"

"Rerek." The person/thing cuts me off.

One second it looked like a normal person, one that would easily be over looked. Then the next, he had the face of something else. The things skin was a deathly gray color, it's eyes nothing more then black indents in it's skull. It's mouth had rows, upon rows of sharp teeth, ones that looked like they could easily rip my throat out. It looked like something straight out of a ghost or zombie movie.

I bite back the horrified scream that almost slipped out. This thing would look like a normal person to anyone else that was going past. I knew it was best not to gather anyone's attention, no matter how scary this thing looked... and the smell. Other than the scream, I had to hold down my lunch and what little bit of iced coffee that I had managed to drink.

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