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Who knew a toothpick could be so heavy. It felt like I was lifting a human being. 

I had managed to get the toothpick just barely off the surface of the table, with much trouble I may add. 

"You're getting somewhere." Taehyun commented from a few feet away. 

I don't respond, knowing if I did, I would drop the small piece of wood. I end up doing just that as an annoying dark haired person enters the room, in an overly loud manner. 

I shoot him a glare as he walks in, his eyes meeting mine as he sits down next to Taehyun, a bright grin on his face. He knew exactly what he just did. 

"What?" He asked, feigning innocence. 

I say nothing as I turn back to the toothpick that I was trying so hard to lift a few inches off the table. I roll my shoulders back as I take a deep breath. 

Just breathe and ignore him. He was trying to make you fail, something he did everytime you were starting to make progress. Dick.

Another agonizingly slow twenty minutes go by before I get the toothpick back up. This time, I got it about half a foot off the table, before it fell back down thanks to mister dick himself. 

"Yeonjun!" I grind out from between clenched teeth, he was really getting under my skin today. I blame it on the lack of sleep last night.

"Yes?" He acted as if he did not just throw a water bottle past my head, almost knocking me in the nose. 

I throw my hands up and storm out of the room, I needed a break. My back, legs, and neck were stiff from where I had been sitting in the same position for the past few hours. Yeonjun was not helping my concentration at all.

"I get under your skin so easily, it's quite amusing." Of course he would follow me. 

I ignore his very existence as I grab a bottle of water. I twist the cap off and take a few greedy gulps, stopping only when I needed air. It was probably very unattractive but, I really didn't care what he thought of me. 

"The cold shoulder?" 

"Can you just stop?" I turn and face him, slamming my water bottle down on the counter to my left. "I don't know why you always try to make me fail. Do you want me to give in to the demon? Fail so you can all be rid of me? I know the others would never let you kill me if I'm making progress in controlling Rerek, if I fail. Easy kill, am I right?" 

"I do it for your own good." He replied calmly, his face in its usual state of blankness. 

"My own good? How?" How was it for my own good? I was failing, how was that good for me?

"You have to learn to do it all under pressure, you won't always be in the dorm, safe, able to fail without repercussions. You can't go out in the real world with the false belief you have everything under control." 

What he said made sense yet, why not let me master it without the pressure, then after that put me under pressure. 

"Well, your way of going about it is annoying." I grumble grabbing my water back up, ready to leave this conversation already. 

"Too bad, I'm going to keep it up." He cut my path off causing me to look up at him. 

"Of course." I roll my eyes, I wasn't going to keep entertaining him. "Can I go back?" I ask after he stayed there, unmoving. It was making me uncomfortable. 

He stepped away, letting me slip by. 

It was past dinner time when I finally managed to move the toothpick across the room with my 'mind'. 

I was worn out. 

I lay on the ground staring at the ceiling while rubbing at my temples. It felt like my head was going to explode, like there was someone knocking very harshly on the inside of my skull. 

"Don't clap." I groan as Huening Kai walked in, seeing the toothpick on the other side of the room, thinking I had actually done it. 

"Did you not do it?" He asked as he slowly brought his hands down, his smile dropping. 

"I did it, my head just really hurts." I close my eyes so I could dig the heels of my palms into them. 

"Oh, I'll get you some medicine." 

I raise my hand, my thumb sticking up to show I liked that idea. I just lay there keeping my eyes closed as I wait for the angel to return, who knew a toothpick could give someone such a bad migraine. 

"Huening Kai said you have a headache?" Someone who could cause an even worse migraine than the toothpick that lay across the room from me, spoke as they entered the room. 

"Yeah, hurts like a bitch to be frank." Was he here to make it worse? To test me under pressure like he said earlier?

I jump up, then regret it right away. "What are you doing?" He had placed his hands on either side of my face, just like the night before. I groan and cover my eyes as pain shoots down my neck. 

"Helping, idiot." 

"Call me that again-"

"I won't help then, see how long it takes for human medicine to work." 

"No!" I snap my eyes open and grab his hand just in time as he stood, making a move to leave. "I'll shut up, just- it hurts a lot." 

I was glad my eyes were closed, I could just feel the cockiness rolling off of him as he sat back down in front of me. 

"What's the magic word?"

Is he for real right now?

"Yeonjun..." I really didn't want to play along with his antics at the moment. 

"I can just lea-"

"Please. Happy?" I rub my forehead, feeling my headache growing worse as my temper rose. 

"Like you mean it." 

I let out a long sigh, my shoulders slumping slightly. "Please, Yeonjun." 

He says nothing in return, for a moment I believed he would just up and leave, until I felt his hands rest gently on my temples. 

I sigh in relief as the familiar cold feeling washes over me. He didn't have to bother me for the thanks that left my mouth as all the pain was washed away, I was grateful, even if he had been annoying at first. 


Idk if these past few parts were good or not tbh.. lol.

Anywho, thanks for reading. If you have made it this far in this mess of a book... you're a strong soul and I thank you for thinking my writing is at least slightly okay. (I am not fishing for comments) They are nice but, I'm okay not getting any, just seeing reads makes me happy and inspired to write more. Again though, sorry for any Half Breed readers, I'm so stumped on it and that is my fault. I had the plot for this book kinda planned for months, that one, I did not. I just threw a few things together and dove in like an idiot. Even if I have to rewrite the whole thing, I will fix it.

Anyways, have a good one!

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