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A week had passed since that night, a week of hallucinations, a week of slowly losing my mind.

I had been waking up on my floor with no memory of how I had gotten there. It was again one of those situations, but this time my hand was busted, as if I had been punching something.

This was the first time I had woken up with an injury and it was scaring me. What had I done?

I stand and make my way through my house to try and find if I had punched a wall or something while I was out. Maybe I was sleep walking now? All the stress could cause me to be going crazy even in my sleep.

When I return to my living room I sigh and flop down on the couch face first, there were no holes anywhere. So what had I punched?

I had been on my way home from work was the last thing I remember, I had just stepped inside my house... and then nothing. Until I had woken back up on the floor with a messed up hand.

I lift my right hand and close it slowly as pain shots through it, the injury wasn't bad, just enough to cause discomfort. I would definitely need to wrap it before I left the house again.

Could I leave the house? Should I just lock myself in here until I either die or come to my senses and stop blacking out?

I wish I could do that, but I was a grown woman and had bills, I couldn't just hide away from the world because I was going crazy. Maybe therapy would help me figure out what was wrong.

As I head for the kitchen to make me a frozen pizza I decide that I would call a therapist Monday to make an appointment. What would I say though?

Yes, I was killed, came back, and now I'm blacking out!

"Perfect." I mumbled to myself while thinking about how stupid I sounded. I can't go to a therapist, my dumbass would probably slip up and say something that would make them want to drug me up and then put me in a padded room-which I may need if my mind keeps going the way it is.



The dark haired man sighs as the rest of the soul collectors on his team enters their "office", it was really just the living room of the dorm they shared in the human world.

"Yes?" Yeonjun asked as he watched the news, leaned back into the couch with his sock covered feet propped up on the coffee table. His eyes leave the screen that was showing the faces of the people he had killed a week ago again, still no trace of where they had disappeared to, and of course the cops wouldn't find anything, he never left a trace unless he wanted to.

"I warned you about that girl." Huening Kai said as he sat down in one of the arm chairs.

The others take seats around the room as well, Soobin taking a seat next to Yeonjun and knocking his feet off the table as he did so.

Yeonjun sighed as he sat forward and rested his elbows on his knees, lacing his fingers together. "Care to elaborate?"

"Oh, he will." Soobin replied with a nip in his voice, he sounded unpleased to Yeonjun.

Huening pulled out his phone and clicked a few things before turning the screen for the dark haired one to see. On the screen was a video of the girl that had come back to life, it seems she was just walking somewhere, nothing to noticeable.

Yeonjun raised a brow to ask what he was supposed to be seeing.

"Just wait, the man should be coming in right about...now."

Sure enough a hooded figure walked quickly into the frame and draped his arm over the girls shoulder. The girl stops and shoves him away, it seems like she was saying something as she waved her hands around a bit. When the man stepped closer to her once more she shoved him again, but this time he flew into the building behind him before slumping to the ground.

Broken • Choi Yeonjunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن