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"She is clearly in pain." Yeonjun said as he sighed and leaned back on the couch.

"Then why would you do that?" Huening Kai looked around like he was trying to find the solution in thin air.

"She needs to want our help, we can't force it on her."

"Like hell." Taehyun snapped as he stood up. "She feels like she has put too much on us, that's why she isn't asking for help. I will help her whether she asks for it or not."

Yeonjun's eyes followed him as he headed out the door.

"Are you serious about that?" Soobin asked his dark haired friend.

"I am." He replied with a small nod.

"I'm with Taehyun on this one." Soobin shook his head as he too left.

Not long after, Beomgyu went after them.

Yeonjun let out a light chuckle, his friends did exactly as he expected them to. He knew they would help the girl no matter what he said, he was counting on it.

Yeonjun let out a long sigh as he stood up, he wanted to see how much pain she was in. He needed to catch her off guard for that.

He just didn't expect her to be curled up on the floor, crying...

"Why are you lying if you're hurting this much?"


Why does he always show up? He was like a bad thorn in my ass, that somehow keeps coming back.

I didn't know what to say or do, I had been caught on the floor, in a ball, crying.

"Because." Was my great reply.

"Because why? You don't want to add more stress? They'll be even more stressed not knowing everything, they want to help. They can't do that if you're going to be a prideful pain in the ass."

They. He said they, not we...

"If it's just them then, why are you here?" I start to uncurl myself, I couldn't keep laying here like this.

"I came to find out the truth."

"What are you doing?" I ask as I feel his arms go under my knees and neck, picking me up. "Put me down!"

"No. I can be just as hard headed as you."

I open my mouth and then close it right away, the pain in my feet leaving as the familiar cool feeling washes over me. My whole body relaxes on its own as he set me down on my bed, keeping a hold on my shoulder.


I don't even try and argue with him, I was tired.

I scoot over to the other side of the bed, slightly happy that my feet could move without pain. If only the source of my comfort wasn't such an ass all the time.

"Is there a way for me to learn to use the demon powers to keep the pain away on my own?" I had thought about it but was worried there may be drawbacks.

"You can, but you have to be careful. You can explode your body that way."

I choke as he scoots down on the bed, getting more comfortable. "Are you serious?"

"Yes." He deadpanned.

I give him an odd look as he slides his hand down my shoulder to my wrist. "I'm not going to be uncomfortable all night." Is all he said as he caught sight of my face.

"What do you mean 'all night'?"

"You plan on being in pain all night?" He quirked a brow at me.

"I... have been..." I reply slowly, I had been getting a little sleep even with the pain.

"Could have fooled me with the bags under your eyes." He let out a laugh through his nose.

I grumble as I lay my head back, staring at the ceiling as I question what I did in my past life to end up where I am.

"Tell me, how long were you planning on hiding how painful it was?"

"Until it went away." I reply quickly.

"You should know that nothing in life fixes itself."

"I know." I sigh as I pull my blanket to my chin. Exhaustion hitting me hard now that I wasn't in pain. At least I wasn't passing out in his arms in tears this time.

"What's so funny?" Yeonjun asked as I let out a snort at my own thoughts.

"Laughing at how funny you look."

He let out a humorless laugh. "I can leave?" He threatened.

I hate to admit that I actually grabbed his hand, keeping him in place. "I was kidding." I really didn't want the pain to come baring down on me just as my body was finally fully relaxed.

"That's what I thought."

Maybe I could deal with the pain? I debated it for just a second, deal with Yeonjun or pain? Yeonjun was easier to tolerate... compared to mind fogging pain that is.

"Why are you helping me?" It wasn't the first time he had helped me, but I had wondered why the other times as well.

"I'm not completely heartless."

"Could have fooled me, with how you used to want me dead." I reply with a scoff.

"Things change."

I look over at him as he rolls to face the other way, I wondered how he was able to lay with his left arm behind his back, his hand still in mine.

"Go to sleep." He said as if he could feel me staring at him.

I lay my head back down, letting my eyes close. "Thank you." I say right before I let myself slip away to some much needed sleep.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now