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I stumble away from Yeonjun as we pop up in some unknown room. I take a second to take in where I was, it felt off, like something was pressing down on me.

All the walls and floor were pitch black marble with crimson mixed in... what threw me off was the fact that the red was moving. It was swirling like it was liquid. I look up and was shocked to see there wasn't even a roof. Just the same sky I saw the first time I came to hell.

Then I snap back into reality. "You son of a bitch!" I turn on my heel and head straight for Yeonjun. "How dare you bring me here against my will!" Once I was within arms reach of him, I bring my hand up, intent on punching him in the face.

"Calm down there." Andromalius said with a laugh as my hand froze in mid-air, an inch away from making contact. "I did ask him to bring you here so I could see if Apep is causing your legs to start decaying again."

I look from Andromalius to Yeonjun, the latter smirking as I realized he wasn't lying. Before I could try and pull my hand back, it went forward, hitting him on the cheek.

"He did deserve that though." Andromalius said with a laugh as Yeonjun shot him a glare.

I rub at my knuckles as I step away from Yeonjun, my nerves rising as it really set in that I was back in hell.

"What do you have to do?" I question the demon.

"I need to dig around in your mind a bit."

I hold back a flinch, that did not sound like it would be comfortable.

"Don't worry, you won't feel anything but a pinch when I first enter. Follow me though, let's get you in a seat so you don't go falling and break something."

Even though I was pissed at him, I still look behind me to make sure Yeonjun was following. When I see he was just a few steps behind me, I snap my head back around before he could catch me looking for him.

We enter a dining room that had a table as long as a freaking bus. The walls and floors were the same as the other room we were in. Sitting at the head of the table was a chair that was made of skulls... perfect for a demon lord.

I shiver as a low-ranking demon rushes in and pulls a chair out for me. I mumble a thanks as I sit down, my eyes going to Yeonjun as he sits next to me. I look away, setting my eyes on the dark wooden table.

"Relax, I won't do anything other than suppress Apep more." I jump a little as Andromalius sets his hands on either side of my head.

Yeonjun rests a hand on my knee, trying to comfort me I guess. It did help a little knowing I had someone I slightly trusted next to me.

"This should only take a few minutes. I'll count down for you if that makes you feel better."

"Uh, sure..." I don't think anything would make me feel better about this, he was about to go into my mind. something Yeonjun had done many times, but something was telling me Andromalius would be able to see a lot more in my mind than Yeonjun could.

"One...two...three." As soon as he said three, I felt a pinch and then, I felt my body slump. I was bracing for my head to hit the table, but it never did. It landed on something warm.

I try and open my eyes, to figure out what was going on. It felt as if my body was asleep, but my mind was awake.


Yeonjun caught Evelyn's head just in time before her temple could make contact with the hard top of the table. His eyes go from her blank face to Andromalius, whose face was blank as well. He was in her mind now.

He let out a sigh as he thought over the fact he still lied to her about the reason she needed to come here. He just held hope Andromalius was right about Rerek messing with her mind and blocking the effects of their bond. He was going to use their bond to get her to take the deal to become immortal. He didn't even care in the end if she wanted to be with him, as long as she lived, he would be fine.

He had thought about losing her time and time again. Every time, he would feel his soul give a small tug of pain. He didn't want to know the real pain he would feel if she really was gone.

Yeonjun shook his head as he realized how strong the pull was growing for him, had him fighting it only caused it to become harder for him to resist it now?

Whatever was making the pull stronger for him, he hoped it would calm down soon. He couldn't see himself being a love sick kid. He didn't want to feel the need to be with someone all the time, to make sure they stayed close.

Yet, a small part of him thought about how nice it may feel. To have someone care for him more than a brotherly bond. He hasn't felt real love since he was a human.. and that love was so short and fleeting, he could never recall how it really felt. He only had a vague memory of warmth.

A warmth he felt sometimes when Evelyn would look at him with her bright smile, or when she would hug him.

He would never admit it to anyone, but he needed those hugs just as much as she did in those moments.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as Andromalius stepped away from Evelyn.


Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now