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Yeonjun cussed as he threw another demon off of him, the thing no longer moving after it had tried to sneak attack him.

He wanted to call out to Evelyn through their bond, but it would not work here in Judecca.

His skin itched as he fought to ignore the voice in his head that was demanding he takes the demon's powers and make them his own. He could also feel his body shifting into its natural state.

A part of his mind fought to keep his natural state at bay, he didn't want Evelyn to ever have to see him like this, but the other half, embraced it. It had been so long since he had let himself fully shift, his body was begging for the feeling of relief that came with the shift.

He had no clue how long he had been searching for Evelyn, the sun never moved here, you couldn't even really tell where the sun was, the sky was just always cast in the blood red color. There was no day or night here, it was hell. That simple thing of not being able to tell time here is what drives many souls insane.

He gives up on trying to be discreet, he takes a deep breath in as he stops. "Evelyn!"

In return, he hears roars and screeches from any demon that was close enough to hear him.


I breathed deeply as I stare down at the lifeless hellhound, it was hard to kill a girl, now I had to kill a dog. It may be a demon, but it looked like a giant dog.

My head snaps up as I hear what sounded like my name being yelled.

"Yeonjun?" I breathe out before I scramble to my feet as I hear my name being called again. I tuck the knife under my arm and cup my hands around my mouth. I pause for a second wondering if I should yell back. I drop my hands as I decide that yelling was probably not the best idea right now.

I grab the knife and head in the direction that I feel the voice is coming from. No one is supposed to be here, Valefar said so... was he lying to make me give up easier?

I get about a hundred yards when I see the back of someone. I hear them yell my name again. The person really sounded like Yeonjun, but this person had snow white wings sprouting out of their back, just the very ends of them were a dusty black color, like the ash underfoot, and what looked like horns poking out of their black hair.

I don't recall ever seeing Yeonjun having wings.... but, he was a fallen angel. Again, no one was supposed to be able to come here.

I stop walking as I think over how I was tricked by Valefar, what if this was another demon trying to trick me?

I didn't have time to hide as the person turned to face me. I take a step back as they head towards me, quickly.

"Wait, stay right there." I couldn't feel the pull of the bond, it couldn't be Yeonjun.

"Evelyn.." The person trailed off.

They looked a lot like Yeonjun, just a darker version of him. The whites of his eyes were as black as coal, his iris' were a dark crimson with lightening blue and silver swirling in them. Poking out through his ruffled up hair were horns that came up a little and then curled toward the back of his head. Now that I was closer, I could see the tips of them were a dark red as if they had been dipped in blood.

"I can't feel a pull towards you... what demon are you? Why do you look like him?" I question as I tighten my grip on the knife. I took a shaky breath as I prepare myself for an attack.

He takes a small step towards me, holding his hands up to try and come off harmless. "It is me, you can't feel the pull because of where we are. You will feel something if I can touch y-"

"Why? So I can let you close enough to attack? I may be a little slow sometimes, but I won't fall for the same trick!"

"Do you remember when I came to your house for the first time?"

I shift my weight as I recall that night. "What about it?"

"You tried to attack me with an umbrella." He replied with a small smile.

Was that enough for me to trust him? Was there any way for anyone else to know that?

"You had a dream about us all having a pillow fight..."

I let my hand that was holding the knife slowly lower. "Why do you look so different..?"

His wings ruffle a little as he steps a little closer. "I'm back to where I was first sent after betraying God. My natural self comes out when I am here."

I take the last few steps between us, stopping a few inches away. I reach my free hand out, waiting for him to bring his up to mine.

As soon as our fingers brush, I feel it. The same warm tingling feeling I always get when we touch.

I grab his hand and pull him into me, hugging him tight, relief flooding me as I start to feel safe now that I knew it was really him.

"We need to go." He said and then gave the top of my head a light kiss. "Hold tight."

I close my eyes as I feel the ground under my feet leave, my arms tightening around his torso.

"We're home now." He whispers as he rubs my back.

"Don't let me go, not yet, please." I say as I feel him trying to pull back.

He pulls me back closer, resting his cheek on the top of my head as his hands rub my back lightly. 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now