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After the pain eases a little I spit the belt out once again, prying my eyes open I was about to ask Yeonjun if he was done. Before I could even look over to him I felt a weight in my lap. I gasp at the sudden movement, my eyes widening as I snap my head down. He had fell into my lap...

"Yeonjun?" I reach my good hand up and shake his shoulder, worried he had just up and kicked the bucket. "Are you dead?"

I get no response. I place my fingers infront of his nose and feel his soft exhale, so he isn't dead. I take deep long breathes to try and calm my racing heart, what do I do now? I couldn't move his heavy ass. I reach above my head where the light switch was, just able to flip it up with the tip of my middle finger.

I take a deep breath, ready to yell for someone but, I let my yell die as my eyes rest on his face. He looked so worn out, even while he was knocked out. There was a soft crease between his eyesbrows, very faint dark circles under his eyes, his skin looked even paler than usual.

Can fallen angles get sick?

I press the back of my hand to his forehead, he didn't feel warm. I then brush his hair back away from his face, his lips parted slightly as he stayed deathly still.

"Yeonjun...?" I call softly as my hand runs through his hair. A small bubble of pity popped up in my stomach, what was he dealing with that he wasn't telling us? Was me being here really causing that much trouble for him?

Instead of yelling for help, I decided to let the poor man sleep. This was the closest he had been to me without looking at me as if he was ready to end my miserable life. I lean my head back on the wall, moving my once broken arm up. It was stiff and felt like I had slept on it for days, pin and needles shooting through it as I brought it up to wipe at my nose with the back of my sleeve. My face was sticky and I so badly wanted to get cleaned up but, I couldn't bring myself to disturb Yeonjun, he looked so tired.

My good hand kept going back and forth, brushing his hair back absentmindedly, my mind was far off at the moment. Things were getting more jumbled up in my mind. I needed to stop all the thoughts that raced through it.

I let a deep sigh out through my nose as I let my eyes close, I take my focus away from the mess my life had become and focus on how soft Yeonjun's hair was. Such a simple thing yet, it helped my shoulders slump and relax a little. I needed this, something simple and mundane to focus on.

"I can't keep going like this." I whisper. I swallow and snap at myself, I needed to stop thinking for once. Really stop thinking, not acting as if I was clearing my mind no, really stop. For this one moment, I would act as if everything was okay, I wouldn't think of why this man had passed out in my lap. I would just act as if we were friends seeking comfort in one another, for a few split seconds, I would fool myself to think that.



My eyes snap open as I feel someone shake my shoulder.

"Beomgyu?" My mind slowly ground to life, the events of the night before coming back at a slow painful pace. "How's Yeonjun?"

"He said he was going to shower and rest."

I nod as I take his open hand, letting him help me to my feet. My legs shook at the sudden position change, they were stiff and they stung as blood rushed back into the limps. I grab my head as I feel a ping of pain behind my right eye.

"Take it slow." Beomgyu said as he let me lean on his shoulder.

Soobin came rushing in the room a moment later, his eyes full of panic while his mouth was slightly open.

"What happened?" He asked as he came over, grabbing my free arm.

"Easy." I call out as he grabs the elbow that had been broken a few hours ago, it was still very sore.

He let go as if I had burned him, looking confused and guilty.

"My arm was broke last night... I guess Yeonjun, healed it."

His mouth opened in an 'o' shape before he snapped it shut.

"How did it break?" He questioned as his eyesbrows pull down.

Once they had helped me to my bed, I explain everything that had happened, not leaving anything out... well, I left the part out about me actually being awake when Yeonjun had passed out, I would just act like it didn't happen.

Soobin sighed and ran a hand over his face. Both of them looked so stressed and worn out, all because of me.

I ask them to leave with the excuse of me needing to get cleaned up, when I just couldn't keep seeing how tired they were. I needed to get my shit together and focus on controlling this demon before they wore themselves to death over me.

Just end I-.

I close my eyes and visualize shutting the demon up, shoving something like my nasty sock in its mouth. Anything to try and make it shut up for once.

I make my way over to the bathroom, the blood dried to my face was driving me almost as crazy as the demon was. I was so tired of this, so tired of being a burden to these men, they didn't ask for this just like me. This wasn't just thrown on me, it was thrown on them as well. I was being a selfish little brat by acting as if I was the only one having to deal with this mess. I wasn't alone in this mess.

This all needed to end, I needed to focus and bring this circus to a close.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now