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Taehyun sighed as he left yet another abandoned building, with still no sign of Beomgyu. It had been hours now and still, nothing to give any hint of where he was.

He catches sight of Soobin, both of them giving a shake of their heads, letting the other know, they had found nothing.

They were all searching each building in the area Beomgyu had been assigned when they set out to find the rogue demon. If he was not in this area, they would regroup and decide where else to look.

Another hour had passed before Taehyun received a call from Huening Kai.

"Yeah?" He answered, his mind on edge as he waited for his friend to tell him why he called.

"I think I may have found something."

Taehyun takes in what his friend was saying as he headed off in the direction he was in.

"Call the others and let them know, I'll be there in a few minutes." He hung the phone up as he took off running.

Huening Kai waited at the door of an old cafe, knowing it was not safe to go in alone. The air was filled with the scent of a very strong demon, with the smallest hint of Beomgyu.

Huening Kai wanted to rush in to make sure his friend was not in trouble, but it was not the best thing to do. Beomgyu may not even be in there any longer, he could have passed through, and Huening Kai would just be throwing himself into the hands of a demon or, if he went rushing in and Beomgyu was in there with a demon, the others would not be able to find both of them.

"Let's go." Yeonjun said as he and Soobin showed up, not far behind them was Taehyun.

Yeonjun took the lead, a flashlight in hand.

Everyone was on edge as they went into the main room of the old cafe, checking every shadow for movement. Demons were sneaky little bastards that could hide easily. Usually, they could pick up on a demon's presence, but with the air already being filled by whatever powerful demon had been through here, it would be hard to tack a lesser demon if there was one here.

They split as they make it to stairs, one set going up, the other, down.

It was in the basement where they found their friend, tied up and knocked out.

"What happened to him?" Hunening Kai asked Taehyun as he crouched down next to Beomgyu, looking him over.

"Looks like he was attacked by a demon."

"A very old one," Yeonjun added as he and Soobin made to them.

"Do you know what demon?" Soobin asked him as he joined Taehyun in checking Beomgyu over.

Yeonjun shook his head as he bent down to get a better look at the bite on Beomgyu's neck. "No idea, I just know it comes from Ars Goetia."

"The same place Buer is from?" Taehyun questioned as he turned his light off, stuffing it in his back pocket so he could help Soobin get their friend up.

"Yes," Yeonjun replied shortly as he started to think over why a demon from that region of hell would be here, and why it would attack Beomgyu.

"Let's get him back to the dorm and get his stash of seawater." They knew their friend would be fine once he got a good dip in some seawater, the powers his 'mother' gave him, would cleanse him of the demon venom.

"I'll call Evelyn, and let her know we found him," Yeonjun said as he pulled his phone out, he knew the girl was probably pulling her hair out by now with worry, they had been gone for hours now.

Taehyun works on getting a portal open as Yeonjun waits for Evelyn to answer.

He pulls his phone away from his ear, feeling a tinge of panic as it went to voicemail. He shakes it off as he tells himself she probably fell asleep, it was late after all.

He quickly follows after the others into the bright swirling blue portal before it closed on him.

They all quickly set to work as they pop up in the dorm hallway. Yeonjun heads for Beomgyu's room, fighting the urge to check in on Evelyn for a second before he went after Beomgyu's bottle of seawater. He kept walking as he passed her door. He wouldn't bother her until Beomgyu was back to full health, there was no reason to wake her and have her freak out over seeing Beomgyu in the state he was in.

By the time he got the bottle, the others already had Beomgyu laying in the bathtub. Yeonjun popped the cork of the magically enchanted bottle. The bottle was about the size of his hand, but Taehyun had enchanted it to where it could fit a whole tub of seawater in it.

Yeonjun poured the bottle out over their friend until there wasn't a single drop left.

They all took spots up in the bathroom, waiting for the water to heal Beomgyu.

It only took about 20 minutes before their friend was jumping up, gasping for air. His eyes search the room, making sure he was in a safe place.

Beomgyu lets out a sigh as he leans back into the water now that he knows he was no longer in danger.

"You alright?" Soobin asked him first.

"Yeah, just a little sore," Beomgyu replied as he soaked in the water, feeling his body and powers refill the longer he stayed in the water. The water he was in would heal him, but it would not bring him to his full strength, he had to go to the sea for that to happen.

"What happened? It seems as if a very old demon attacked you." Soobin jumped right into figuring out what had happened to Beomgyu, if there was an old demon hanging around, they needed to handle the situation as quickly as possible.

"I'm not really sure why it attacked me... I was just looking for the lesser demon. I went in the cafe because that's where the trail led me, only for this giant, ugly, loin, human, demon to come at me." Beomgyu ran a wet hand over his face, his skin absorbing the water. "It was so odd, it bit me, tied me up, and took my phone." 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now