No other Way

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Yeonjun watched in shock as Evelyn stood up. The snakes that were coming from her back was something he had never seen before. In all his years fighting demons, never had he seen something like this.

The snakes looked like giant king cobras. Their necks were flared out as they went after demons. Every single time they bit into one, you could hear the sound of the demon's bones cracking from the force of the blow.

What threw Yeonjun off was the look on Evelyn's face as she turned to face him. She was enjoying it. A twisted smile rested on her lips as she watched the demons fall.

Yeonjun had stopped fighting, he and the demons around him were shocked by the sight of her. Even Andromalis didn't make a move to stop the killing of his men.

Soren took the chance to go after her, realizing it was a mistake far too late as one of the snakes sunk its teeth into his shoulder.

He let out a scream of pain as the snake drug him to Evelyn.

Evelyn reached a clawed hand up and gripped his neck, drawing his ink-colored blood. Then a second later, she tore his neck apart.

The snake let Soren's body go, allowing him to fall limp on the ground. His eyes were wide open as he lay there unmoving.

Yeonjun's eyes shifted from her to Andromlius who finally made a move toward her.

In his hand was a dagger, one made out of bone. What kind of bone Yeonjun could not tell from the other side of the room.

"Evelyn!" Yeonjun called out, but it was too late. Andromalius still had his powers, the knife was in her back before Yeonjun could finish calling her name.

Evelyn let out a gasp as her body went stiff. The snakes that had been in a killing frenzy seized up for a second before turning into ash.

Andromlius sent a kick to Evelyn's back, sending her face-first across the floor.


I take a few shaky breaths as my body comes to a stop a few feet away from Yeonjun.

I lift my head and meet his worried gaze. I had no idea how I ended up here, It was just a blur of demons dying and the need to kill them all.

I felt someone push something further into my back. A scream left my throat as my black-stained nails clawed at the floor.

"Stop this!" Yeonjun yelled as he broke the neck of one of the demons holding him. The other, he swiftly tore its throat out with his claws

Evelyn tried her best to call Rerek back into her mind, but nothing happened.

"He's locked away while that dagger is in you." Andromalius spat out as he placed a foot on my lower back, keeping me down. "This mess is over, give it up now."

Yeonjun may be stronger in his natural form, but he wouldn't be able to use any of his powers. And, he was poorly outnumbered as more demon minions of Andromalius piled into the throne room, all of them coming for him.

"Just let him go, I won't fight you." Not like I could fight him, I was a dying mortal. He was a demon lord in his own domain. Rerek was locked away once more, I couldn't even move now.

Andromalius' eyes shift to Yeonjun as a demon managed to land a blow to his jaw, knocking him off balance enough for others to jump him.

I cringed as he was swallowed under the mass of deformed creatures. "Please, don't hurt him."

"I won't kill him. Dumah would have my head." Andromalius sighed as if the thought of that was a little troublesome to him.

Yeonjun was dragged to the front of the demons now that they had his wings and legs secured as well.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now