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Just as I felt like I really would throw my guts up, the demon was ripped off of me. It's claws leaving deep lacerations on both my upper arms.

I end up letting a small yelp of pain out. It felt as if someone had drug four hot irons across both my arms. The wounds were deep and long... with a lot of blood coming out.

I bite the inside of my cheek harshly as my eyes follow Yeonjun, as he brought the demon farther away from the street filled with people. Once they were out of eyesight of the main street, he shoved the demon into the wall. The demon didn't move, as if it was instantly sedated. It didn't even blink as Yeonjun pulled a small dagger from under his coat, burying it deep into the creatures chest, right where it's heart would lay.

I was shocked as the thing turned into nothing more then a pile of ash, a few pieces were dark red as if they were ambers that had floated away from a fire.

The pounding of my heart become very loud in my ears as my legs and hands started to shake. I didn't know if it was the fact that thing was just in my face or if it was the fact I was losing a lot of blood. I let a long breath out as I ease my back down the wall, until my butt landed on the hard ground.

I hear a few colorful words leave Yeonjun's mouth as he squatted infront of me, his hands going to the cuts on my arms.

"This may sting." He said right before he started to whisper so low I couldn't understand what he was saying.

That same feeling I had from before washes over me. It was like stepping into a fresh water spring in the middle of summer... but backwards. It started at the crown of my head and slowly made it's way down, until the very tips of my toes.

Then my arms started to sting. I push my head back into the wall, digging the heels of my shoes into the ground. It felt like I had fire ants all over my arms where the cuts were.

"I know, shh..." If it wasn't for the pain, I think I would have been very shocked at how soft his voice came out. I would probably find it so later, when I didn't feel like banging my head into the wall behind it.

Not soon enough the stinging went away, along with it went my energy. I slumped down as all the sensations left my body at once.

"What the hell?" I ask with a slight groan as I try and stand. My limbs feeling like I had just ran for miles, they were nothing more than mere noddles at the moment.

"A Eidolon demon, they can shapeshift." He places his hands under my arms and helps me stand to my feet. "They usually don't come after people in broad daylight..."

I say nothing as I try and focus on getting my legs to stay steady under me, it was not going well. I lean my head on his upper arm as my vision goes black around the edges.

"You'll be weak for a bit, that demon had venom in its claws."

"I feel like I'm going to be sick." I grumble as I bring a hand to my mouth, not wanting anything to come up.

"Keep your eyes closed for a second." Yeonjun said as he pulled me into him.

For a second I felt no ground under my feet, then it was back. My feet landing hard causing a jolt to go through my bones. Even though it was probably safe to open my eyes, I keep them closed tight, still fighting the nauseous feeling in my stomach.

I open my eyes and see we were in the living room, back at the dorm.

"What did you do?" I heard Soobin ask as he came into the room. I was surprised he was already back, I had thought by the way Taehyun spoke, they would all be gone all day.

"It wasn't him." I defend right before I close my eyes again, feeling around until someone guided me to sit on the couch.

"A Eidolon demon attacked her." I felt the couch dip as Yeonjun sat beside me.

"At this time of day?" Soobin questioned, sounding shocked at the matter.

I lean my head back and block them out for a little as I focus on taking deep breathes, it would really suck to get sick in front of them, plus the carpet was a nice cream color... Vomit stains would not come out easily.

I open my eyes as I felt like I could do as much without losing my lunch. I slowly pick my head up and meet Soobin's concerned eyes.

I offer a weak smile. "I'm good."

"Liar." Yeonjun commented lowly.

Of course, he would say something.

"I'm going to clean up. When I get back, I want to know why in the hell that thing attacked me."


"So now I can't even go outside until I learn to cloak myself?" It just seems to keep getting better and better since I died and came back. It seems the Eidolon could sense Rerek's powers in me. Demons would be drawn to the scent of his power, their hunger for power would make them seek me out... Perfect. "Where do I even start?"

"We can start tomorrow, this is something I could help you with." Soobin said from the across the coffee table.

"I have one question though, what do you all know about Rerek?" I wanted as much information as I could get on the demon that had its powers linked to my soul.

Soobin looked to Yeonjun, who just shrugged and stood up. It seems he was over the talking already.

"Tell her, what could go wrong?" The asshole shot over his shoulder.

Soobin sighed and shook his head. "Rerek, is the demon of chaos. He goes by a few names, Apopis, Apep, Apepi, Rerek is just the name he is most known by. A long time ago- don't ask an exact time, because I couldn't tell you. Rerek tried to end the world of mortals, he craves chaos."

"That seems like a given, since he is the demon of that very thing..." I comment as Soobin paused.

He shoots me a look, slightly rolling his eyes as he stands and acts like he was going to leave.

"Wait! I'm sorry, I just felt like I had to say it." I grab his arm and pull him back toward his seat.

"Let's keep the comments for after I'm done, okay?"

I nod and take my place back up.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now