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I seemed to have a constant migraine, training was getting harder and harder, the objects that I had to move getting bigger and bigger. 

"Kai, I really appreciate the words of encouragement but, please, shush." 

The angel held his hands up and backed away. "Sorry, I know when to stop." 

No, he did not.

"Thank you though." I was really grateful for him being here to cheer me on but, I just couldn't take the constant noise from him. 

He offered me a smile before he headed out the door. 

I turn and face the softball I was now having to lift and move. Getting the objects up was coming easier to me now but, keeping it up and moving it was still a task most of the time. I would usually get it across the room one good time before someone would come in and mess up my concentration. Then I had to refocus and do it all over again. By the time I got it across the room three times, my head would start to hurt but, I had to keep going until it was an easy task to move the object. I even had to find it with my eyes closed, that was another whole training session after I 'mastered' moving the random thing they offered me. 

"You do seem to be faster at this, only taking about a day now." Taehyun offered from across the room where he was cooling down after a workout session. 

"Thanks." I sit down a moment, the ball still in mid air. My eyes stay locked on it as I move it across the room, letting it drop down into his hands. As soon as he caught the ball, my hands go up to my temples. "These headaches though." 

"It is a little concerning..." He tossed the ball from hand to hand as his eyes went unfocused. "I'll set up a time for me to talk with Dumah, see what she has to offer on the matter." 

"That's one of your bosses, right?" I had heard the name tossed around them here and there. 

He nodded, still zoned out. It was a little unsettling when he did this, it was like he was just lost in his own world, he did it very often. A few times a day from what I've seen, maybe more then I noticed seeing as I wasn't always around him. 

"You have to set up meetings with your bosses, is it really busy in the soul collecting world?" 

"It is, actually." He blinked a few times and looked over to where I was still sitting. "They don't just over see our team, they over see thousands of teams like ours." 

"Thousands?" My eyes widen. "How do they do that?" It was crazy to think they over looked thousands of teams, how in the world?

"Dumah is an angel, she has many to help her manage. Andromalius, is a demon lord, so of course he has plenty of help as well. They both hold a lot of power in their realms." 

I nod, I had never heard of them outside of the group in this house but, I suppose they had to have a lot of power to do what they do. 

"May I ask something?" 

He hummed in response tilting his head back a little, waiting for my question. 

"What are you?" I pause and realize how rude that sounded. "I'm sorry, that sounded far too rude." I slap my hand to my forehead, I was so great with words. 

"It's okay." He shook it off with a laugh at how embarrassed I was. 

"It's just, I only know what Yeonjun and Huening Kai are, the rest of you... it's never really came up..?" And I was never ever able to read them like I had done to Soren when I met him, maybe it was because they weren't linked to demons or angels? I had no clue. "You've told me vaguely that you cast spells.."

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now