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"I think this is Taehyun's way of telling me to learn how to control my anger too." Soobin said with a frown as he sat down crisscrossed

"You have a bad temper?" He looked so sweet.

"Yeah." He replied with a small laugh.

"I never would have guessed."

"Wait until you see him play a game." Beomgyu laughed as he passed the room we were in.

Soobin stood up and shut the door quickly, though you could hear Beomgyu laugh even harder.

"Now... I don't really know what I'm doing." He shrugged as he sat down again. "Yeonjun, said to count to 10 until we felt calm..?"

It came out as a question.

"I guess, or until we fall asleep?" I offer. Counting had never been good at calming me down, if anything, it made it worse.

We close our eyes and just count as a way to try and clear our minds, though mine was on the fact that this was a shit show.

It was funny, that they would just shove us in here and expect something to come from it.

Soobin had already sighed a few times, and had let another one out.

I snap my eyes open and see his brows were pulled down, and his lips were pulled to the side, as if this was hard work for him.


He hummed as he snapped his eyes open.

"You okay?" I raise a brow, he looked like he had more on his mind than me.

"Mhmm." He nodded his head with a small smile.

I eye him before I shrug it off and close my eyes once more.

"I'm just worried... how things are going to turn out."

I nod in agreement, I was worried too. "Is there anything else I don't know?"

He eyes shift to the side and then snap back quickly, he then shakes his head fast. "No."

"Soobin...?" I knew he was lying, I could tell by the way he was avoiding eye contact.

"Evelyn...?" He mocks with an awkward smile.

"Tell me, what is it?"

He opens his mouth and then shuts it as Yeonjun shows up.

"Came to check on my training? Can't even trust your own team mate?" I ask the dark haired man that sat against the wall.

"I trust him, not the demon in you though." He sent his infamous smirk.

What he said was fair enough so, I don't say anything back.

"Why not just train me then? I know, you know more about demons than the rest of them." I say after a while of him sitting in the corner staring at us. "Soobin, can't even clear his mind, how is this going to help me?"

"It's not the fact you need to clear your mind, as you need to learn to suppress your emotions. Control when the demons powers come forward, then use them to your will."

I throw my hands up. "Then how in the world," I motion between me and the stiff Soobin. "is this going to help me do that?"

He just shrugs in reply.

I look to Soobin, whose head was bowed.

I let out a breath through my nose and just close my eyes, I was going to act like he wasn't even here.

That's what I wanted to do, but he just couldn't allow that.

"Getting better." He commented making me want to snap.

I bite the inside of my cheek and focus on my breathing.




I could hear Soobin move around a bit.




My eyes snap open as I feel cold water being poured on my head.

"What the fuck!" I stand quickly and glare at the satisfied Yeonjun.

"I'm helping with your training. Now, count."

I stomp over to him and send a punch to his gut, though he hardly flinched.

"One!" I yell as I turn and leave.


"Don't, please." I cut Huening Kai off as I pass by.

If I thought over what had just happened too long I would lose my shit.

I thought he didn't want to 'help'.? What he just did, was not help. He was pissing me off on purpose, how would that help?

After I had showered and dressed, I head for the kitchen at Taehyun's request.

"You okay?" Soobin asked as I sat across from him.

I nod my head, keeping it down, eyes locked on my food. I didn't want to look up and see that dark haired bastard who had just entered.

As soon as he took up the seat next to me, I grab my plate and move around to the other side next to Soobin.

I could see him look at Yeonjun and then me. He then gave my knee a light pat.

"Don't treat her like she's a child." Yeonjun commented, seeing what Soobin had done.

"I'm not! I'm treating her kindly. You have to realize she has been through a lot in the span of three weeks." Soobin snapped back slightly.

I guess I would see his temper.

"We've all been through shit." Yeonjun replied as he stabbed at his meat.

"A long time ago. We've had time to get over what has happened to us, she hasn't."

I give Soobin's knee a pat now, letting him know I was fine.

He sighs and shakes his head, focusing on his food.

I appreciated his concern, but he didn't need to fight for me.

I was just a stranger they had to handle because the world liked causing people hardships.

Now that I thought about it, how old were they...? Soobin had said they had dealt with things a long time ago... how long ago is that?

It made me wonder what the rest of them were as well.. It seems I was only able to tell if people were demons so far, so when they had touched me I felt no hint of what they were, unlike when I had met my very short term demon trainer.

"How old are you guys..?" I ask out of nowhere, making Huening Kai choke.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now