Change of Plans

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Andromalius finally starts to pull away from Evelyn.

He brought his hands away first, in his left one was something that looked like a ball of thick blood-red smoke.

The fragment. Yeonjun felt his heart calming down as he realized it was almost over, now all he had to do was turn her immortal.

Andromalius handed the fragment to his son, who placed it inside a skull that looked as if it had belonged to an animal, it was the shape of a big cat, but also had horns. It had to be a demon skull, or a very rare deformed skull Andromalius somehow got his hands on.

Andromalius looked over at Yeonjun, something strange flashing in them before he opened his mouth. "Now!"

Yeonjun tensed as he felt it coming. The demons that had been lining the walls, all came at him once. He didn't even have a chance to turn his head before the first one jumped on him.

"What are you doing?" He yelled as he threw the first one over his head, the floor where the demon hit cracked from the force at which it was thrown.

"I'm sorry Yeonjun, but there is no way to save her. I can not turn her with any of the fragments in her soul. We both know what's going to happen once I remove all the fragments."

Her soul would shatter.

"Stop, there has to be another way!" Yeonjun was tackled from the front by two lesser demons that were the size of a big dog.

He was able to get them off of him easily, but him being down was enough for more to rush him and get his wrist into some chains.

Yeonjun tried to snatch his wrist apart, wanting to snap the chains, but these were laced heavily with demon magic. There was no way he would break them while he wasn't able to use his powers.

"Andromalius, stop this!" Yeonjun jerked away from the demon that was trying to pin him down to the ground, sending a kick to another that tried to dive onto him.

"I can't stop. She's dying, this has to be done before Apep gets his powers back."

"No, don't do this to her, please!" Yeonjun's voice cracks as it sinks in there was no way for him to stop what has going to happen. He was going to lose her, after everything, he was going to fail her.

The panic turned into rage as he thought over what all his boss had done, had known. He knew from the start this was going to happen, yet he let Yeonjun get close to her, why?

Yeonjun had never done anything to piss his boss off enough to make him want to damage him like this. Never had he thought his boss would cut him so emotionally deep.

"I will kill you, Andromalius." Yeonjun bit out as his wings snapped out from his back. He knew his horns had come out as well. He has only ever been this pissed off once in his whole existence, and that was when God had turned his offer down to save his mother.

"No, you won't, you will thank me for taking this weakness away from you."


"Seems we get to meet again after all."

My eyes snap open as I hear the voice that use to haunt me daily. "Rerek?"

Even though there was just a mass of black smoke in front of me, I felt as if the thing had rolled its non-existent eyes at me.

"We do not have time for you to be acting a fool. Andromalius is planning on stealing all my fragments from your soul."

My hand shoots up to where my heart is. "But, I'll die! My soul will shatter, he knows this!"

"He's a demon, do you think demons care for human lives? He will be gaining power, you have been nothing but a vessel for him from the start. He only did this so you would gain control over my powers, making it easy for him to snatch them right from under your nose."

"Is there a way to stop this? This was my only option. I'm dying already..." Of course, just when I thought things would go to plan, the world slapped me in the face.

"I can snap you out of the state you're in, but there is nothing else I can do. Andromalius is the only one able to use powers in his palace. Once you are away from here, you will have to go to Dumah, she is the only one that can stop him from doing this again. After Andromalius is dealt with, I will offer you the power to live out a normal human life, but my power will return to me after you die of old age."

For a split second, I wanted to take the deal, but there was no way I could. After I passed that would allow him to escape and kill off the human race.

"No," I reply shortly, he was crazy to think I would be that selfish. I could never live knowing once I died, the world would die with me. "I could never condemn the world for my own selfish gain."

"I knew you would say that."

I gasp as I was thrown back out of my head.

My eyes shoot around franticly as I realize I was awake.

"Yeonjun!" I call out as I try and kick the demon that was still holding my legs down, off of me.

I turn my head and catch sight of him fighting lesser demons off. There was no way he would be able to fight them all off without being able to use his powers, even with his wings out. There was too many of them.

I finally kick the demon in the face, causing it to stumble away. I roll off the table, biting the inside of my cheek harshly as my knees hit the marble floor.

Just as I get to my feet, someone grabs me from the back, pulling me back toward the table.

"I'm sorry Evelyn, but there is no other way to do this." It was Andromalius that had spoken.

"There has to be! Rerek offered to let me live out a normal human life! I know there is another way. You just want his powers for yourself, Rerek told me what you had been planning, you bastard!" I kick back with my legs trying to make any kind of contact that I could. I wanted to inflict some kind of pain. 

Broken • Choi Yeonjunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن