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Yeonjun sighs as he hangs his phone up, his meeting with Andromalius location has changed. 

He heads out of his room, looking for their team's leader. "We have a guest coming over." 

"Who?" Soobin looked over the rim of his cup, eyebrows brought up. 

"Andromalius." Even though Soobin hadn't taken a sip of drink, he still choked out of shock. 

"What, why?" None of their bosses had ever come to their mortal home. Something must be really wrong. 

"He wants to see Evelyn in person, he isn't sure what maybe going on with her foot until he sees it himself." 

"Does she know about this?" Soobin knew the girl would probably be a nervous wreck to meet a high ranking demon. 

Yeonjun shook his head. "Not yet." He ran a hand over his face, he would be lying if he said he wasn't a little bit on edge about Andromalius coming here. "I'll tell her." 

Soobin stopped as he was about to leave the kitchen. "Okay..." He drawled out, Yeonjun had been acting different lately. Soobin couldn't say he was acting completely different, just a little. 

Yeonjun headed out the kitchen, his eyes scanning for the girl as he passed the living room. As he rounded the corner to the hallway, he walked right into someone. 


I kept my head down as thoughts of last night ran through my mind. Yeonjun was gone before I woke up but, the sleep I got last night was amazing. 

I just couldn't understand why he offered to help, I figured he would just tell me to suck it up. What he did was surprising and out of place. 

To lost in thought, I ran nose first into someone. "Watch where you're going." I said as I realized it was the exact person that had made my head a mess of thoughts. 

"I could say the same for you." He popped back with a grin, probably happy that my nose was hurt. My thoughts of last night, disappeared in an instant as his grin dropped as fast as if had came. What was wrong now?

"What's up?" I ask as I drop my hands from my nose, the stinging no longer bothering me.

"Andromalius is coming to see you."

Of course my heart would start to beat a little faster, that thing was so easy to mess with. "Your demon boss?" 

He hummed in response, grabbing my upper arm and pulling me after him to his room. Once we were in there he closed the door and let my arm go. 

"He is coming in person to see what is going on with your foot."

I would have to show my nasty foot to a high ranking demon?  Just a normal Tuesday morning. 

"Calm down, he isn't that scary." 

My eyes snap up to his. "That scary? That means he maybe a little scary... He's a high ranking demon..." My thoughts were on the demons I had seen so far, they looked scary to me. 

I turned away from Yeonjun, him staring at me was only making my nerves worse. I took a deep breath, why was I freaking? He was a good guy, he had to be right? He was a demon that led people to hunt other demons, the bad ones. He was a good demon. 

I'm calm. I think I was trying to convince myself rather than thinking the truth. 

"When is he coming?" I ask as I turn back to face Yeonjun. 

"He will be here after lunch." 

I wish he was coming now, leaving less time for my thoughts to run wild. 

"Okay... I guess I'm going to have-" Actually I don't think I could eat right now. "I'm just going to go." I say as I point over my shoulder to the door. 

"Don't freak yourself out, he isn't a bad person... He just gives off a strong aura." 

"That made me feel a lot better." I say dryly with a thin lipped smile. 

He rolled his eyes with a scoff. "I could have told you that he has killed thousands of demons, humans, a few angels but, I was trying to be kind." 

"Has he?" My voice came out slightly thin and a pitch higher. Why was I even asking? He was a high ranking demon for a reason. "You don't have to answer that. I realize how stupid of a question that was." 

Well, today was going to be fun. I think I preferred when my head was full of thoughts about last night. Now, I would be thinking over how scary Andromalius was going to look. Not to mention the fact he was going to have to look at my foot. That was going to be a first meeting that would always haunt me. 

"I'm leaving now." I say as I turn to the door, I had no reason to stay here any longer. Him watching me was not helping anything. "What the-" 

I had pulled the door open, only for Beomgyu to fall at my feet. 

"What were you doing?" Yeonjun questioned the man on the floor as he walked over to look down at him. 

"Soobin told me Andromalius was coming... I wanted to know what all was going on." Beomgyu replied sheepishly. 

"People need to learn to mind their business." Yeonjun snapped as he hauled him to his feet. "Get out." He pushed him out the door. 

I held back a laugh as Beomgyu grabbed my arm, pulling me after him as he rushed away from Yeonjun. 

"What was that about?" I ask as we make it to the living room. 

"I sent him to make sure Yeonjun wasn't scaring you about Andromalius coming." Taehyun said from the couch, his eyes locked on the tv where a game was being displayed. 

"No, he was actually trying to be nice..?" 

Soobin who sat next to Taehyun snapped his eye from the game to me. "What?" 

"Yeah." I shrug, I was just as thrown off as they were about it. 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now