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"What's that?" I ask as Taehyun came into the living room. A very odd looking book in his hands.

It was the next day and I had chilled myself out a little. No reason to hold up in my room all day and pout, it wouldn't change anything.

"A grammaire." He replied as he took up a seat next to me.

"A what?" I look over the light grey colored cover of the book, there were no words, just two crescent moons facing opposite ways, resting between them was a candelaria turquoise stone.

"A book of spells." Taehyun said with a playful roll of his eyes.

"What are you doing with it?" My eyes flick over the pages as he opens it and starts to flip through it.

"Looking for a healing spell." He replied as his finger danced over the markings that made no sense to me.

"Oh..?" What did he need a healing spell for?

He stopped almost at the very end of the book, his wide eyes scanning the page a few times. "This is it."

I lean over to have a better look at the page, even though I didn't understand a thing. It still looked interesting. Our shoulders bumped into each other as our eyes were locked on the page.

A gasp left my mouth as the markings on the page started to glow a bright blue as Taehyun waved his hand over them. "What are you doing?" I ask as my eyes watch the markings on the page move around, most of them swapping places, some changing shapes completely.

"You can say I'm decoding the spell. All grammaires are written differently, only the coven that made them can really read them. This one is not from my coven, since I don't use black magic. This is one I may have borrowed..." He trailed off with a chuckle.

"Borrowed? You plan on giving it back?" I raise a brow as I look at his side profile.

"One day."

I roll my eyes but smile.

"Anyways, I have to unlock that coven's code to be able to read it."

I nod my head as if I understood the struggle, I did not. I bring my left foot up as my toes start to ache. My mind was racing as I realized this wasn't the foot that was dying.

I pull my sock off and feel my throat close, now both feet were turning black.

My eyes go up as Taehyun rests his hand on mine that was holding my leg. "We'll find a way to stop it."

"What if we can't?" I asked as I pulled away, placing my sock back on.

"Evelyn, look at me." I let out a sigh as I turn to face him. "Have a little faith in us, yeah?" His smile was soft as he patted my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I apologize for not believing them, it was hard thinking they could find a way to fix this. The last time I had faith that things would turn out fine, I was let down. "I'll put my faith in you guys."

"Thank you."

I nod at him with a smile as I stand, biting my tongue as my right foot burns. Soon enough both of them would ache as I used them. It would be fun walking around in a few days.

"I'll be in the training studio." I call over my shoulder as I head for the front door. Turning to face the door as I slip my shoes on, closing my eyes tightly as I held my breath. I wanted to cuss loudly and throw my shoes away as I stood straight again.

I really did hope they found a way to fix this soon. I would see what I could do to help later, right now I needed to get out of the dorm and away from them.

As soon as I was out the door, I let my shoulders slump. Limping as I head down the hall, my right foot felt like my bones were breaking every time I put pressure on it, soon enough, both of them would be this way.

How long could I hide this from them? How long until I let something slip about how much it hurt?

Do I really want to die, or keep living and help hunt demons?

I really didn't know what to choose. Dying meant this would all end, and then maybe I could find peace.

Hunting demons meant learning all new things, it meant more facing demons that could kill me.... More unknown things....

I let out a breath as I let myself sit down heavily on the floor, my back against the wall.

"Fucking weak." I bit out as tears welled up in my eyes. A mix of physical and mental pain causing them.

Once again I was lost, not knowing how or what to do next.

I rip my socks off, my eyes locked on the black that was creeping up my limps. My body was dying right before my eyes, and I had no idea if there was a way to stop it. The pain was becoming unbearable the more I walked. It took everything in me to act as if I could walk just fine. My right foot was now half black, my left just the toes were black. It seemed to happen overnight. Every day it seemed to just jump higher.

How long until my whole body was covered in this decay?

I had no answer, no one did.

I grip at my hair as I let my mind become swallowed by all the thoughts that were fighting to take front in my mind.

"Why aren't you trying to come out?" I ask the room, my question was meant for the demon inside of me. He hasn't acted up once since this all started. "What are you planning?"

"Nothing, you're dying anyways..."

Of course, there was no need for him to waste his energy on me. I was dying. He just had to bid his time.

I let out a laugh as I lean my head back, hitting the wall lightly with the back of it a few times. Was I starting to go crazy? I felt that way. Everything kept falling apart, nothing was working out for me. No matter how hard I tried to adapt, to feel okay. The world had to find a way to throw me off track.

I just felt as if I should just die like that was what the world wanted. 


Info about the word I choose to use instead of grimoire bc *im not like other girls* I'm jk I did want something a lil different is all

Grammaire~Etymology. It is most commonly believed that the term grimoire originated from the Old French word grammaire, which had initially been used to refer to all books written in Latin. By the 18th century, the term had gained its now common usage in France, and had begun to be used to refer purely to books of magic.

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