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It was the day they would summon Buer, to say I was worried would be an understatement. I was terrified of what could go wrong.

And here I was, stuck in bed. The black was now past my hips causing too much pain for me to even move my legs without anyone's help.

My thoughts were stuck on repeat as I lay in bed. The chances of what could go wrong tonight, and the way I had yet to see Yeonjun since he had left the other night.

I knew he was in the dorm, I had heard him talking to the others, he just didn't bother to come see me.

Which should make me happy, so why wasn't I?

Why was I upset that he stormed out and didn't come to see me once since I had been stuck in my room? Was me living really that bad to him?

Why should I care what he thinks or wants? I shouldn't, so forget him. Let him be mad about me living, I would just show him once more I could keep fighting.

Even though I was just ready to end it a day ago.

I lift my head up as I hear a knock on my door. "Come in."

Huening Kai poked his head in the door before he pushed it all the way open. "Hungry?"

I couldn't help but smile as I forced myself up into a sitting position, my thoughts now able to focus on something other than the two things that had been bothering me for hours.


He walked over to my bed, grabbing my hand, letting that nice warm feeling wash over me, chasing my pain away with it.

Huening Kai would be staying at the dorm with me while the others left to summon Buer, so he was able to help me with walking around so the others could save their energy.

I take the spot next to Soobin, glad the seat on my other side was already open for Huening Kai to take beside me.

"Thank you." I say to Taehyun as he passes me my plate, before handing the other to Huening Kai. The angel let my hand go, touching our knees together so both our hands were free for eating.

I take notice halfway through dinner that Yeonjun had yet to show up to eat. I force thoughts of him away as I focus on the fact that his avoiding me was not important compared to what they were all about to do.


I feel my throat close a little as they all stand up, ready to head out and summon a demon.

I may not want them to care about me too deeply, but I cared about them deeply. Hypocrite.

I was worried about what could go wrong, what if one of them got hurt? Even the ass Yeonjun, any one of them getting hurt worried me.


Huening Kai had just answered his phone. We were both in my room watching a movie on his laptop since we were the only ones left behind.

My eyes leave the screen, waiting to see what was going on.

"Yeonjun just got pulled into hell...?" The angel's wide eyes meet mine.

"What?" I question in a whisper. "How did that even happen?"

"Okay, see you guy's in a moment." Huening Kai said before hanging the phone up.

My heart felt like it was in my throat as Huening Kai stood up. I grab a hold of his hand as he was about to leave.

"I'm coming too." He said nothing as he pulled me to my feet, our movie long forgotten.

As soon as the others got back a few moments later, looking a little rough. I throw questions at them.

Soobin shot Beomgyu a look after I had asked how this had even happened.

"What did you do?" Huening Kai shot at the guilty looking man.

"He tripped while passing the demon Huening Kai's blood, breaking the seal."

Huening Kai's blood was what they wanted to offer the demon in exchange for its blood. Demons couldn't do much with angel blood besides harm other demons, but every demon loves having something that has power over its kind.

"Why would the demon take Yeonjun though?" That was another good question, what did Yeonjun have that the demon wanted?

"Yeonjun tackled Buer to save Soobin..." Taehyun said as he sat down on the couch with a sigh, he looked like he was completely drained.

"Of course he did." I run a hand down my face, I was freaking out. How in the world were we going to get him out of hell? "Where do we start?"

"We? We can't go into hell." Huening Kai cut in.

"Bullshit, we can't just leave him in hell alone!"

"No offense but, you have no idea how hell is. We stand a greater chance of dying there than he does." Beomgyu commented from his spot on the floor.

"We're not going anywhere, Yeonjun has made plenty of trips into hell. He knows how to get home." Soobin added.

"And if he doesn't?" I question as I look over all of them, they all looked tired and ready to pass out.

"He will." Huening Kai sounded so sure.

Their calmness was making me feel as if I was crazy and overreacting, I mean, who wouldn't react this way to hearing someone was snatched into hell by a demon?

Why am I even freaking out? He was the one that acted as if he was mad about hearing I had a chance to live...

Then why was I so worried about him?

I wanted to bang my head into a wall, maybe it would knock some sense into me.

I was just worried because he was in hell, I would be worried if it was even a stranger that I heard was snatched away by a very powerful demon. That was all.

It was hell we were talking about here, of course, I would be worried about anyone going in there.

Even that asshole.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now