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I grab at my head even before I open my eyes because of the splitting headache, I could feel my own pulse in my head as I tried to ease the pain by pressing my cold hands over my temples, but it didn't seem like that small trick would help. 

"Holy shit." I groan out as I roll over and push my face into the pillow that was placed under my head, I try to recall what I could have done to cause such a migraine, but it was all blank. The last thing I remember was the blonde man stepping between me and Yeonjun. 

It was that psychotic asshole, he probably whacked me on the head.

I wouldn't put it past him, he did murder all those people after all.

"You're finally awake?" Speak of the devil.

I don't say anything seeing as him speaking had felt like someone had slammed my head into a wall, I just keep my eyes closed as my hands still work on massaging my temples. 

"Yah, what's your problem? Cat got your tongue?" 

"Can you shut up and stop moving, my head feels like its about to explode." I grit out as his words and footsteps made tears come to my eyes from the pain that was pulsing through my head from the sounds that seemed to be magnified. 

He said nothing else as I heard him come closer to the bed I was laying on, I then felt the mattress dip as he sat down. I finally open my eyes just a slit to see what he was doing. 

"Don't look at me like that, I'm just going to help." He said as he moved his hands towards my head. 

I lean back away from him, how did he expect me to trust him? What if he was the reason for my head feeling like this?

He lets out a sigh before he grabs my head a little forcefully. A yelp left my lips as my eyes closed shut tight once more, but just as I was about to cuss him out, my head almost instantly started to feel better. It felt like cold water was washing over my head and erasing the pain, the cool sensation didn't stop at my head, it continued down my spine and then spread all over my body until even the tips of my fingers and toes felt relaxed and cool. 

I let out a sigh as he let my head go and I laid it back down on the pillow that now felt a lot softer then a moment ago. I open my eyes and look him up and down, wondering if I should thank him or ignore him...

"Thanks." I decide I wasn't going to be a complete ass at the moment seeing as he did just help me a lot. 

"Can you get off my bed now? I would like to lay down." Is all he said as he stood up and looked down at me with a blank look. 

At his words I shoot up and stumble to my feet, almost knocking a lamp over in my haste. My eyes roam the room as I smooth my hair and clothes down, it was nothing special, just a bed with gray colored blankets and sheets, a desk that rested against the opposite wall of the bed, a night stand on either side of the bed, one with a lamp and the other with a few books and old water bottles. 

"Who brought me in here?" I move my eyes back to him as he sat down and leaned back onto his headboard. 

"I did." He replied simply with his eyes closed. 

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, this man really did not give a shit about anything did he? 

"I'm going home." I don't wait on a reply as I turn to head out the door, but stop short and clamp a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. "Can you not do that?" I ask as he stood in the door way with his arms crossed. 

"You can't leave." He said, leaning a shoulder on the door frame and crossing his ankles. 

"And why not?" I ask and cross my arms as well. 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now