Helpful Demon

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The demon stood and backed away a few steps, his eyes locked on mine.

I felt the black smoke release me as soon as my insides felt like they had been set on fire. I didn't even have the chance to hold back the screams as they ripped themselves from my throat.

My body started to thrash around as if I was being electrocuted.

"Come along now Apep, I know you're in there." The demon spoke as he sent a kick to the blade, digging it deeper into my chest.

"Apep was... blocked by Andr-"

"He is still in there! I can feel his presence in you!" The demon yelled.

It dropped down on its knees, using its front paws to hold my shoulders down. Its claws digging deep right above my collarbone.

"Come out Apep!"

I can not come to the surface.

My eyes widen as I hear Rerek speak.

What the hell is going on? I thought you were blocked off in my mind.

Act like you're still in pain, you stupid human!

He hissed causing me to realize I may have gave something away by the look of shock on my face.

The knife that is in your chest, can break any mind block placed on humans and demons.

I let out another scream, this time willingly, trying to keep the demon holding me down occupied.

He's trying to steal your powers from me, we both know if he takes them, you may never be free.

I know this, idiot.

Then what do we do?

I could feel my body growing weak from the amount of blood that was spilling from around the knife in my chest. The pain on the inside of my body was far worse than the pain on the outside.

Why would I help you? You have done nothing for me.

Okay, let this demon have your power, I'll let him know I'm talking to you right now. I open my mouth to speak, knowing I was running out of time as it was hard to even think straight.

Don't open your mouth!

Then help me!

"Apep, show yourself!" The demon holding me growled as he grabbed the hilt of the knife and twisted.

I no longer had it in me to make a sound, leaving me to only open my mouth in a silent scream of pain as the knife easily carved a hole into my chest bone.

Hold it together, weak human. For us to get out of here, you have to be able to pull the knife from your chest. I will only be able to knock Valefar out for a few minutes, that will be your only chance out of here. We will not be able to fool him twice.

I don't reply as my eyes close for a second, I needed to gather whatever strength I had left to be able to pull the knife from my chest.

Got it? He barked out as I took too long to reply for him.

Got it. The pain that had been burning inside of me died down, letting me have a bit of a clearer mind.

I open my eyes and meet the demon's glare, waiting.

Once that knife is removed, I will not be able to help you.

I understand, let's go. I'm losing a lot of blood!

And he did it right then, not even giving me a second to brace myself for the pain of pulling the knife out.

As the demon hit the wall opposite of me, the hellhound took off running, sounding as if it was yelping in pain.

Pull it out! Hurry up, you weak girl!

I'm getting to it, damnit!

I bit my lip harshly as I bring my hand up and grip the hilt of the knife. Holding my breath as I tugged it out as straight as I possibly could. Not like I would cause more damage than Valefar had done.

Don't let me down.

That was the last thing Rerek said to me before I yanked the knife out the rest of the way.

"I'll try not to," I say as I roll over onto my side, using my elbow to get my torso up off the ground.

My head was spinning from the injury I had before coming here, and now the blood loss caused by Valefar.

"Holy shit." I breathe out as I get onto all fours, closing my eyes tight to try and keep the cave from pitching and rolling around me.

I rest my hand on the wall, keeping the knife in my other to have some kind of weapon on me. I use the wall to get to my feet, leaning my shoulder on it as I crack my eyes open.

I needed to get moving, I felt like I was moving in slow motion. I had no idea how much time had already passed.

I wanted to send a nice good kick into the demon's face as I passed his limp body, but I did not have time for petty things right now.

As I clumsily make my way through the cave, I rest my hand over the hole in my chest, willing the powers forward to at least heal one wound.

I take a deep breath as I feel the hole slowly pull back together, the blood slowing as it did so.

Not paying full attention to where I was going, I never took notice that I was at the end of the cave. The cave wall was gone from under my hand, my only support as I walked was gone, letting me almost face plant into the ash covered ground.

I hear a deep growl not too far from me, letting me know the hellhound had not left its master too far behind.

"Look dog, I really don't.." I take a few breaths as I lean back on my feet, my knee burning from where I had landed on them a second ago. "I don't want to be labeled as an animal killer, so leave me alone." I trow my hand that was holding the knife up, tired of how fast my heart was beating in fear.

It let out a bark as it leaned its front end down, letting me know it was getting ready to pounce.

"Barghest, don't!" I yell hoping to get my point across as I point the knife at the thing.

The hellhound keeps growling and barking as it inches closer, waiting for the perfect moment to attack.

Broken • Choi YeonjunTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang