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I sit in the living room watching as the others get ready to leave the next morning, dread still sinking into my gut as I think over how I will be stuck with Soren, and the pull in my gut will become painful as the day goes on.

My eyes meet Yeonjun's as I think of asking him if the pull was as strong for him.

I shake my head, not wanting to spark that fire in him. If he knew how strong the pull was for me, he may use that against me.

"If he tries anything at all that makes you feel off, even in the slightest way. Call one of us." Yeonjun said from by the door, not even bothered by the fact that Soren was in the room as well.

I just nod, feeling a little bad for the poor half demon, but he was a weird one...

"Try not to have too much fun while we're gone." Beomgyu said with a playful smile. I knew he was being sarcastic.

I roll my eyes with a half smile. "Try not to." I reply with the same amount of sarcasm in my voice.

Once they were out the door, Soren gets to his feet, a big sharp-toothed smile on his face.

"Let's get started." He clapped his hands as he headed for the door.

I let out a sigh as I slowly get to my feet and follow after him. I was mentally prepping myself for whatever mess he was going to propose to me. I ran over everything I had learned so far.

We make it into the studio we usually use for training, my eyes scanning the room for anything that was out of place.

"We will be sparring."

"Okay." I had done this plenty of times with Taehyun.

"What are you doing?" Soren asked as I stepped away and started to stretch.

"Stretching?" It comes out as a question, what else would I be doing before sparring?

"No, we're acting as if we're in the field. There you will not have time to stop and stretch." He motioned with his hand for me to step back over to where he was. "You have to be ready for a surprise attack, no time to think of a plan, just react on instinct."

And just like, he came at me. Landing a firm blow on my gut, knocking the wind out of me.

"What the hell?" I gasp out as I stumble back a little. Taehyun had never hit me full force, he always tried to do mock hits, and if he had managed to get a real hit in, he would stop right away and make sure I was good.

"You have to be able to think through the pain, in the field, a millisecond buffer in your concentration, could mean death. Back in place!"

I was shocked by how demanding he had just gotten. I shake my head as I get back in my place, falling into stance.

"Try and focus your powers all over your body, think of it covering every nerve ending."

I close my eyes for a second as I try and do just that, only to receive a kick to my side.

"I was trying to do as you told me to!" Now I was getting pissed, that blow was even harder than the first.

"Like I said, act as if you're in the field! You don't have time to close your eyes and focus, you have to be able to focus while staying alive."

I huff as I get back in my place, as soon as I stepped back where I was before, he came at me. I was only able to block a few of his blows. I land hard on my butt as he gets a hit in on my jaw.

I was dazed for a second as my ears ring and my vision sways.

I stumble back to my feet and send Soren a glare. He was handing my ass to me so easily. It made me realize how far I still had to go.

"Come on, focus your power. I haven't felt it flare up yet." He said as he bounced a little on his feet.

"I'm trying!" I exclaim.

"Not hard enough, if you were out on patrol, you would be dead by now."

"I understand that, but we're training for a reason." I snap as I rub at my jaw.

"Sorry, but if you expected me to go as easy on you as the others, you know by now, you were wrong. I'm not here to play around, I was sent to train you. That's what I'm doing."

"I don't expect to be treated like a child, but maybe a little less force would be nice." I gripe as I straighten myself back out.

"Nope." He replied with a smile.

I had no idea what time it was by the time I collapsed, I just knew my whole body was aching.

I lay on my back panting as I close my eyes and try to ignore the pain in my gut and all my body where Soren had landed a kick or a punch.

"I guess that's it for today, I think the others should be back soon." He didn't even bother to help me get back up, he just simply walked out the door.

He hadn't even broken a sweat.

Man, I feel so weak. It had been a minute since I had sparred, but I had never failed this badly. Now I see how easy Taehyun had been on me.

I groan as I force myself to my feet, I needed to get dinner cooking. I had been asked by Taehyun to make something since they would be gone all day.

I take a quick shower and change before I painfully make my way into the kitchen.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now