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I did it I finally managed to cloak the demon's presence in me. 

"Yes, you did it!" Huening Kai yelled as he pulled me into hug suddenly.


I held my breath as we all froze. Soobin stood there with his arms in the air, shocked by what just happened. We all held our breathes as we waited for me to go all demon spawn on the angel... but, nothing happened. 

Huening Kai pulled away slowly, his eyes wide as he realized his mistake. 

I felt nothing though, no shift in my mind that let me know the demon was stirring. I look up at Huening Kai, our expressions of shock matching perfectly. 

"You didn't lose control...?" He asked carefully, his hands still on my shoulders. 

"No..." I look over to Soobin, he looked just as lost as we felt. 

I let a gasp out as Huening Kai pulled me back into another hug, he arms around my shoulders pulling me in tight. 

"This is great!" He let out what sounded like a manic laugh but, it was just his normal laugh. It still caught me off guard sometimes. 

I slowly wrap my arms around him as well, my eyes watered as I realize this meant I was finally getting somewhere. I was finally finding foot holes in this mess that my life had become. 

I needed this hug, I really did. He was warm and gentle, he held me close and firm. It was like he needed the hug just as much as I did. I felt my shoulders slump as I take a deep breath in, there was a small flicker of hope finally. Maybe things would work out for the better. 

"Very moving but, this means nothing. This is a small baby step in what all you have to learn." Of course the dark haired ass would ruin the one peaceful moment I have had in months. 

I pull away, not letting his word beat down what little hope I had just grabbed. I would cling to them for dear life right now, I needed them. 

"That maybe so but, it's something." I say not looking at him, he had been all but absent since my arm had broken. I still couldn't look him in the face without thoughts of how I had acted that night popping up. I was the only one that knew what I did but, I was still embarrassed by it.

"Let's go have ice cream!" Huening Kai yelled, trying to break the tension in the air. 

Soobin agreed and darted for the door, followed closely by the angel. I was stopped in my path as Yeonjun stepped in my line of vision. 

"Don't think it's going to get easier from here on, cloaking is one of the easiest things to learn. It's quite disappointing  it took you this long to learn it." 

My eyes snap up to meet his, were we back to this? Back to him trying to get under my skin all the time? 

"Better than nothing." I snap out, he was doing a good job at getting under my skin. I shake my head, reminding myself that I needed to stay positive. Just because he wanted to be a downer, didn't mean I had too as well. "I'm going to have some ice cream." 

This time he let me step around him. 


We had dinner backwards that night. Ice cream, then the amazing pork that Taehyun made for us. 

The dinning room had a bright happy feeling to the air as we all chatted and ate, it was nice. Everyone seemed happy to see my tiny bit of progress... all but Yeonjun, he didn't bother to join us. 

I had taken notice to how he avoided us-me, most of the time. he wasn't lurking around trying to piss me off constantly. Maybe that was why I made it somewhere? Maybe his taunting had been keeping my mind clouded? Either way, I had done something. 

It may not be a lot to him but, it was enough for me, for now. Only for this moment would I let myself feel pride for what I had managed to do today. 

That all faded though, as I made it to my room later that night. The laughter I felt in my heart melted away as I closed the door. The smile I had was replaced with a deep frown. I took a deep shaky breath as I sit down, my fathers death was still raw in my heart. It was a month ago he had passed. Christmas was right around the corner, my first holidays away from my family... My family's first holidays without me and my father...

My heart was heavy and my head was aching as I stare out of my window, the lights outside were burning bright in the dark night. A few stars could be seen, fighting to glow brighter then the artificial lights below them. 

Some fresh air would be nice.

With that thought, I slip out my door. Tiptoeing down the hall, flipping the lock on the front door as quietly as possible. No reason to wake anyone and make them worry over nothing. The demon wasn't stirring, I just wanted some fresh air. The last time I had been outside was when Yeonjun had taken me to get coffee. That felt like years ago. 

Everything felt like a lifetime away. 

My family, my real happiness. It was lost in the past it felt like. 

I shove the door to the roof open with my shoulder, the cool winter air slapping me in the face. I should have brought a blanket but, something about the frigid air made me feel refreshed. 

My eyes scan the city, once upon a time... I almost fell to my death from this roof. 

I pick a spot by the railing, resting the side of my head on the ice cold bars. My eyes watching the small dots that were humans walk down the street. It was different to think that someone down there could be going through something tough in their lives yet, no one else knew about it. Ones personal problems were nothing more then a small drop in this vast ocean of life. 


Boom 1,035 words with no issues. Crazy how writing works sometimes, idk if its just that way for me or not. 

Sorry for any mistakes. My other tip i'm trying to follow, is write without looking back to much. So editing will be done after I get done spamming updates. 

If you read my other book Half Breed, I am so sorry for not updating... I'm stumped on what to do with it next. I feel like I already messed the plot up, so gotta fix that. 

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now