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I jump up from bed, my stomach churning uneasily. I knew I was about to throw up everywhere and my only thought was making it to the bathroom.

I throw my door open and push past someone in the dim hallway, not even worrying about who it could have been.

I try and twist the knob as my body is still moving towards the door, only for my face to come in contact with the wood.

Someone was in there, fuck.

I start banging on the door as I feel the uneasy feeling creep up my throat. I was not about to throw up here in the hallway, my room would have been better then that. At least if I was in my room I wouldn't have eyes on me.

"I'm coming, calm down!" Yeonjun yelled through the door.

He snatches the door open, a scowl on his face. I shove past him and push him the rest of the way out the door before I slam it shut, not even bothering with the lock.

Just as I dropped to my knees, my dinner came up. My eyes started to water as I stayed there until my body stopped jerking from the dry heaving.

I stand up and turn the water on as I flush the mess. I wiped my mouth with some paper towels before I grab my tooth brush up. I lean heavily on my right hand as I try and brush my teeth, my whole body felt weak and shaky as I stood there scrubbing at my teeth.

"Evelyn, you okay?" I hear Huening Kai ask just as I place my toothbrush back in it's place and spit the last of the tooth paste out.

I turn to open the door, only for my head to spin and my knees to give out on me. I didn't feel it, but I knew I had hit my head hard on the floor just from the way I landed.

"Evelyn? I'm coming in!" The angel said as he started to open the door, the edge of it hitting my head as well. "Crap!"

Huening Kai managed to squeeze through the door as he rambled on about what to do.

"Yeonjun!" He yelled as I got my arms under me, trying to get up just a little. "No, stay still, your head is bleeding." He gently moved me a little ways from the door.

"What happened?" Yeonjun asked as he came into the bathroom, sounding a little annoyed. "What the hell, again?" He questioned as his eyebrows went up and he dropped down next to us.

"What do you mean 'again'?" I don't recall passing out recently.

"You fainted last night while showing Soren to the bathroom." Huening Kai informed me.

I open my mouth then shut it as I realize that last night, was partly a dream? It felt so real... Yeonjun kissing me, felt like it had really happened...

"Soren." Yeonjun whispered as he stood up and stormed out the door.

Huening Kai looked from the door to my head a few times, looking dumbfounded that Yeonjun had just left like that while I was bleeding on the floor.

"Just help me sit up, please." I ask, tired of laying there on the cold tiles.

"Let me heal you first."

I close my eyes as he rested his hand on my right temple, letting the warm feeling wash over me. The shaky feeling that had a hold on my limps eased as well.

"Thank you." I say as I open my eyes, only for them to snap closed once more. My feet were burning... just like they were doing when I was dying...

"Please." I whisper as I keep my eyes tightly closed, I did not want my thoughts to be true.

"What? What's wrong now?" Huening Kai asked as his hands hovered over me franticly, not knowing what to do.

"My feet are burning." I choke out as I sit up finally.


"What the hell did you do to her?" Yeonjun yelled as he pushed Soren into the fridge.

"Woah, what's going on?" Taehyun asked as he stepped closer, ready to pull his friend away from the demon.

"This demon spawn did something to Evelyn, she fainted again." Yeonjun snapped before turning back to the half demon that was holding his hands up by his head, a sloppy grin on his face.

"I did nothing, she fainted as she was getting my a towel. I was by the tub, checking the water temperature."

"Yeonjun, calm down. I'm sure there maybe another reason for her fainting twice." Taehyun didn't believe his own words, he just didn't want their boss coming after them for one of his son's being killed by Yeonjun for no reason.

"No, he's going to tell me what the hell he d-."

"Taehyun!" Huneing called from the bathroom, sounding like he was on the verge of freaking out.

"Don't move." Yeonjun spat at Soren as he rushed after Taehyun.


I lean against the bathroom wall, trying with everything in me to hold my tears back. I was back to square one.

My feet were black, just like when it all started. The black was right at my ankles this time though.

Taehyun rushed in with Yeonjun right behind him, both of their eyes going to my bare feet. "Evelyn..." Taehyun trailed off.

"It's not your fault, at least it bought me some time." I offer a half hearted smile, I didn't want him to feel bad. I had no hard feelings against him, it really wasn't his fault. He had tried, and we all thought it had worked.

My eyes go up and meet his and I try to let him know I was okay and I wasn't upset with him for it not working. I felt bad that all their hard work had been for nothing in the end.

I let my eyes go to Yeonjun's, I was kind of relived that our kiss had been a dream. If it had been real, I don't think I would be able to look at him so soon.


Don't kill me for their kiss not being real, it will come I promise!!

I'm just playing with you guys emotions... I'm sorry.

Until next time, have a great day/night!!

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now