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"Can you sit down?" Yeonjun asked me as I passed by the couch again.

I may have been pacing the dorm for the past few hours. My mind was on overload thanks to the thought of Andromalius coming in just a few minutes.

"I'm anxious!" I throw my hands into the air and then let them fall limp by my side.

"Same!" Beomgyu popped his head around the corner to the living room, then walked all the way in. "I've never liked being around him." Then he shivered very dramatically.

"Why?" Andromalius was one of their bosses, Beomgyu had to have met him a few times.

"Beomgyu is just a scaredy cat." Yeonjun waved his hand around while rolling his eye.

"Am not." Beomgyu grumbled as he sat down in one of the armchairs.

I decide to take a seat as well as they start to bicker about if Beomgyu was a scardey cat or not. My eyes go between them as they argue about the useless topic. It was a great way to take my mind off the fact there was a very high ranking demon about to show up.

Until we heard a knock on the door.

"Fuck." I whisper as I shoot to my feet, I was not ready for this.

"Calm down." Yeonjun said as Soobin passed by to answer the door.

"Calm? I am calm." I whisper yell at him from across the coffee table. I was everything but calm, my heart was ready to leap out of my chest.

"So calm." A new voice said.

My eyes widen as I catch sight of Andromalius...

He looks like a normal man... A very tall normal looking man. He was at least a head taller then Soobin.

He had black hair that had a few streaks of silver grey towards the front of his head. He had his hair slicked back away from his face, showing off his features. He had a very strong and defined face structure. Thick low sitting brows, a full mustache, and beard the same color as his hair, a dusting of silver grey peppered his facial hair. Thin lips that were pulled into a wide smile. He even had a few wrinkles on his forehead and cheeks. If I didn't know any better, I would just assume he was any other normal guy. But, I knew better, and no human had eyes the color of liquid silver laced with swirls of crimson.

"No reason to be worried." He said as he walked all the way into the living room.

Beomgyu stands and shakes his hand, exchanging greetings, as if he wasn't just saying he was scared...

My nerves do ease a little as I realize my thoughts on what he looked like were totally off. He did not have horns, claws, or even fangs.

"Andromalius." He said as he offered me his hand.

"Evelyn." I reply as I shake his hand. My nerves shoot back up as I feel the power rolling through him just from our short handshake. It even felt like Rerek was no longer pushing against the mental wall I have up, he seemed to back off as he realized Andromalius was here.

After our greeting, he moved on to greet Yeonjun and Taehyun. As I watched them, I realized he seemed like a friend or uncle to them. Their smiles were wide as they spoke.

"So, I hear your foot has some issues?" He turned to me and raised his brow with a grin.

"Yeah..." I drag out not knowing what to really say. The air was getting thick with awkwardness.

"May I see it?"

I gulp as I nod and reach down to pull my sock off.

"You can sit down." He laughed as I almost lose my balance.

"Right, I'll do that." I cringed internally at how stupid I was sounding and acting. He was just a normal dude... A normal dude that led thousands of demons... Just your average Joe.

I sit down on the couch and pull my sock off. The black had crept up even further. It was now past the joints of my toes. Whatever was going on was getting worse.

Andromalius sat a cousin away from me, holding his hand out, indicating for me to bring my foot up for him to have a better look.

God, I wish I could just disappear! This was mortifying.

My breathing had all but stopped as he looked over my foot. I wanted to snatch it back, run to my room, and act as if this had never happened.

"It's not Apep's doing." Andromalius said as he let my foot go after what felt like hours but, was only a few moments.

"Apep?" I asked as I pulled my foot back and slid my sock back on.

"Apep is the name us demons call Rerek." Andromalius replied with a soft grin.

For a demon, he sure does smile a lot.

"Oh... If it's not his doing, then what's going on?"

"Your body is dying on its own. You came back to life, right?"

I nod as I listen to what he says with my full attention.

"Your body is decaying. It seems like your coming back to life was against nature's will."

"Nature's will?" Taehyun asked, he was the one out of all of us that was closest to nature.

Andromalius nodded with a hum. "I haven't seen many people come back as mortals, but I have seen a few. Most end with them slowly decaying, or taking on an immortal life." As he said the last part, he turned to look at me.

"I either slowly die... or become immortal?" I had never thought about becoming immortal, I had always planned my life out dying old... "Is there any other way?"

"Not that I know of." He shook his head as he stood up.

"How would I even become immortal?" I was going to see all options there were, the pros and cons.

"I can offer it to you, maybe. I'm not sure if I can really offer it to you with Rerek already having a hold on your soul... If I were able to give you an immortal life, I would expect you to join my soul hunting ranks."

Was this something I would do for an unknown amount of time? Fight demons? Save human souls? I don't know. That's if he was even able to turn me immortal.


"Don't overthink it right now. You don't have to decide right away, take some time to think it all over." He gave me a pat on the head, his hand feeling extremely heavy on my head. "I'll be going, no rest for the wicked."

"I'll walk you out." Soobin offered, following after his demon boss.


That pic at the top is what I pictured Andromalius to look like in his (natural) form. (Not mine found on Pinterest😭)

Some parts of this book I'm like "this is gold, how did I write that???" Other parts "How did I write this? It's like month old trash that has been in the sun..."

I hate and love my brain when it comes to this book.

I am going to be adding some pics soon (none are mine just some I found on pintrest, google.) I have to find the pics I want to fit this book.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now