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I groan as I start to wake up, no one warned me about the headache I would feel after Andromalius went into my head.

"Fuckers." I mumble as I bring my hands up to rub at my temples. As my brain starts to fire up more, I can tell I'm laying in a bed.

I open my eyes up and sit up, making sure I wasn't still in hell. When I realize I was back in my own room, I settle back down. The small moment of my heart rate picking up in my moment of panic, caused my head to hurt more.

After a few moments of gathering myself, I push my blanket off of me and stand up slowly. I felt like I needed some water.

As soon as I walk out into the hall, someone comes rushing down the hall.

"How are you feeling?" Beomguyu questions as he comes to a quick halt in front of me.

"My head hurts a little." I admit as I lean on the wall.

"Want me to fix that?" He asked as he brought his hand up, wiggling his fingers.

"Yeah, I would appreciate that." I give him a weak smile.

"I got it."

I close my eyes as the reason behind my headache pops up out of nowhere. Something he really liked to do it seems. I flinch as I feel him rest a hand on my shoulder, something in my gut stirring at his touch.

I spin around as soon as my head stopped hurting. I knock his hand off of me, the feeling he was giving me was different, and I didn't know what to think of it.

"What the hell did Andromalius do while he was in my head?" I question as I take a step back. Something was wrong with me, I was feeling off...

"All he did was suppress Rerek more than you had done, it keeps him from messing with your mind. Like he has been doing since you came back."

"Was it related to the fact I'm dying again?"

"No, Andromalius said it wasn't his doing... just that he had seen how much of a hold Rerek had on your mind. You may have thought you had him under your full control, but you didn't. Now, you do."

I eye him up and down, then snap my eyes to the floor by my feet. The longer I looked at him, the more I felt off.

"I don't feel right." I admit before I head for the kitchen to get the water I wanted a minute ago.

"What do you mean?" Beomgyu asked as he followed me.

I look over my shoulder and see that Yeonjun was also following us. "Nothing, I'm just tired still."

"Still?" Taehyun piped in as we entered the kitchen. "You slept all night and now half the day."

I stop short as I hear him. How in the heck have been out for so long? "I just feel off." I didn't know how to explain how I felt. Suddenly I want to look at Yeonjun, I wanted him to rest his hand back on my shoulder...? I wanted to step closer to him, just be close to him.

When he had rested his hand on my shoulder, I felt a slight spark? I don't know what it was, it was a jolt of something that felt nice.

I say nothing else as I head for the fridge and grab a bottle of water.

"Maybe you just need some food." Taehyun offered as he placed a few plates on the table.

"Maybe." I agree and take a seat at the table. I hold back a cringe as Yeonjun takes the seat across from me. I wanted to snap at him, tell him to fuck off, and give me some space. But, he wasn't doing anything but trying to eat, like the rest of us.

Halfway through eating, my eyes meet his. After that, it kept happening every few seconds. I would just catch myself looking at him just as he would look up and catch me staring. As soon as I was done with my food, I get to my feet a little too fast, causing everyone to look at me.

I feel my cheeks and neck grow warm as they all wait to see what was going on. "I'm just going to lay down again, sorry." I excuse myself as I push my chair back and step around it, pushing it in carefully.

"You feel okay?" Huening Kai asked, his eyebrows pulled down as he watched me.

"Yeah, just worn out is all."


Everyone watched Evelyn closely as she left the kitchen, then all eyes snap to Yeonjun.

"What happened while you two were gone?" Soobin was the first to ask the question everyone was wanting to know the answer to.

"Andromalius blocked Rerek... not because he thought he was behind her dying again, but because Rerek was blocking her from feeling the bond between us."

Huening Kai set his cup down, his eyes trained on Yeonjun. "So, you're saying she's feeling the bond full force, and has no idea that's what going on?"

"Yes." Yeonjun nodded his head, a small smirk tugging at his lips.

"Did you not think about the effect it would have on her? You've had time to adjust to the pull of the bond, she hasn't. It's hit her all at once."

Yeonjun wiped the smirk off his face, he didn't think about how hard it may hit her. He had thought it would build up like his had done over the past few months.

"You didn't think about that." Soobin all but facepalmed at how dense his friend was becoming.

Yeonun sighed as he stood up ready to go after her.

"Maybe let one of us go check on her?" Beomgyu offered.

Yeonjun shook his head."No, I got it."


Last part for the night guys.

Hope its going okay since everyone has learned what is going on between them. Idk if its the best but its better then nothing ig lol.

Until next time, have a great night/day peeps!!

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now