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I drop to the ground and hold my hands over my head as my eyes snap closed. I guess I would die in this weird dream thing.

I sit there, waiting to feel its claws dig into me, but the pain never came. There was no impact of it slamming into me, there was nothing, but the sound of something struggling to breathe.

I open my eyes and bite a scream back as the thing was stuck in mid-air, black smoke sticking through its torso where a steady stream of black blood was coming from.

I fall back on my butt, the smoke breaks the form of the spear it had been in, slowly drifting away into the sky as if it was just normal smoke that had come by.

My eyes watch the thing as it slowly starts to claw away from me.

Had I done that? There was no way that was me.

I stand on shaky legs and decide I needed to find a way to get out of this dream, hell, whatever it was. I needed to leave. I edge around the pile of rocks, wanting to make sure the coast was clear before I make a break for it.

Just as I poke my head around the corner, I snatch it back. Standing flat against the rock as I breathe heavily. There were demons everywhere. Ones that had the legs of a goat and the head of a dog. They were mulling around, eating away at the dead plants that still stuck up from the rocky ground here and there.

I had no idea if they were dangerous, they were demons, so they had to be. I look around the land that was behind the stone, it was hard to see far, there were too many rocks blocking any view past a few yards. The only way to see past them was to climb them.

That may be my only bet.

I move to the middle of the rock pile, hoping the keep myself out of view from anyone, or anything lurking around. I really don't think my heart could handle any more encounters with demons.

My mind was still boggled over the fact I had hurt that weird cat-bird-human-thing. Did I actually do that...?

I doubted everything at the moment, was I really in hell? How was I here if so, and how were my legs back to normal?

Just as I peek over the top of the first of rocks I had climbed on, I felt something drop down right next to me.


Then I scream as whatever it was grabbed me, pulling me with it back into the air.

I try and wiggle around in its arms, legs, claws, whatever was holding me to it.

"I wouldn't move to much unless you want to fall to your death."

I think my heart stopped beating as the thing spoke in my ear, it's voice was low and rough, as if the things vocal cords had been drug over the rocky tarain below us.

I close my eyes tight feeling nausea bloom in my stomach.

I let out a scream as I feel us falling, far to fast. Then it jerked to a stop right before it let me go.

My eyes open as I fall to the ground, lucky for me the thing had dropped me a few feet off the ground.

I scramble to my feet and back away as I see it was another winged demon, this one just looked like a normal person, save for its wings, small horns poking out of its messy black hair, and bright silver eyes.

"Thank you son."

My head whips around gaining another shock to add to the list since I woke up here.

"Andromalius?" It was the man that had came to the dorm, but the upper half of his bare chest was covered in feathers, and from his back two giant black wings were tucked close to him.

"Evelyn, I would say nice to see you, but you shouldn't be here..."

"How am I here? I was just sleeping!"

"Something pulled your unconscious mind here..." He said as he looked over my shoulder.

"Just hurry and send her back."

I think I may have whiplash from how much I was snapping my head around.

"Yeonjun." My eyebrows draw down as I see him standing behind me, his arms crossed and face blank as always.

He looked rough, he was covered in dirt and soot, there were even black stains that covered him here and there from his face down to his shoes. It had to be demon blood.

I turn back to face Andromalius, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

"Ah, I get it now..." He drawled out with a bright smile. "Time for you to go home."

"Wait, what about you?" I turn and ask Yeonjun, I couldn't just go back if this was really hell and he was right in front of me.

"Don't worry, he'll be there in a few hours." Andromalius assured me as he stepped over to me. "This may hurt."


As soon as Evelyn was gone, Andromalius turned to the fallen angel.

"How is it she ends up here, where you are?" He questioned him with a raised brow.

"No idea." Yeonjun snapped out, he knew exactly why she was here. Though, even he was shocked when Andromalius had picked up her scent.

The elder demon let out a chuckle as he saw how defensive Yeonjun got. "We both know, I know exactly what's going on."


"Nothing, I just don't know how it happened? When did it happen?"

"Open the portal." Yeonjun let his arms fall, he was ready to return home.

Andromalius did as he wanted, smiling even wider after the portal closed.

"Things just became more interesting." This would probably turn out to make his job a lot easier than he originally thought.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now