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The sun had set about an hour ago and there was still no sign of when they would be home. I don't message them to make sure everything was okay, I didn't want to distract them if they were in the middle of something. 

My head was still aching, just not as bad since I took some pain meds for it. I lay on my bed, reading a book that Taehyun had let me borrow. It was a book on all different types of mythical creatures, ones that were mostly real. He had told me to try and figure out which ones I thought were real, and ones I thought were fake. 

I was half way through the thick book, when I mark my page and shut it for the night, my eyes were burning slightly from staring at the yellowish pages. I was already in my pajamas for the night, there really was nothing left for me to do but, go to sleep... 

I pull my blanket up to my nose, checking my phone one last time before I set it on the bedside table, there was nothing still. I felt a little worried, what was the emergency about? How big of a threat was it? All of them went so, was it something big..? 

I roll onto my back and take a deep breath, I needed to calm down. They were all over a hundred years old, if I guessed right. They have been doing this job long before even my grandmother was born, they knew what they were doing. I was just worried, Beomgyu looked a little concerned earlier when he came and got Soobin...

"They're fine." I bit out at myself, I was overthinking as usual. 

If only I got a dime for every time I over thought something... I would probably be rich by now. 

My worry only eased for like twenty minutes, then it started to bubble back up. It was growing late, and I was far from tired. My body was worn out but, my mind was just getting started it seemed. I sit up, twisting the little knob to turn my lamp back on, grabbing the book back up, and flipping to where I left off. 

Monsters of Winter.

There are monsters for winter? Never thought of anything like that before. 

I read the pages, wondering if reindeer were actually real... That one was hard for me to decide on. An hour later and I stop once again, the past few pages of the book had been filled with so many creatures that were related to Christmas. I didn't want to think about the holidays at all... I had filled my mind with debates on what was real and what was fake. I try and keep those thoughts going until I would finally pass out.

After what felt like hours, I can feel my mind growing tired. The debate on elves was working on making me tired. Who would have thought one could have such deep thoughts on elves. I found it a little creepy if they were real. People brought them into their houses, letting them sit there, thinking they were just toys... when they could be real things. 

Just as I was drifting off, I felt something in my mind stir. I try and pull myself back awake but, it was too late. 


I was once again in the dark. I knew Rerek had pulled me in here but, for what reason? Was it because I was slightly taunting him earlier? 

My back goes rigid when I see the two crimson colored eyes. 

"Yes, because you were taunting me." 

I feel something brush over my bare legs, it was the same every time I saw him. The thick smoke/fog stuff would caress my skin, I still couldn't decide if it was hot or cold. It just felt so wrong. 

"I want to repay you..." I hear something like a rumble, as if the thing was laughing..?

"I'm not playing any games with you." I snap out, I didn't want to let him trick me and take over, after so long of keeping him down, I was not about to let him back up.

My hands start to shake a little as the eyes get swallowed up by the darkness. I jerk as I feel the presence behind me. The weight on my shoulders felt like hands, ones I wanted to slap away. I knew that wouldn't do anything, my hand would go right through them. 

"I'm not playing either... Those people have been hiding something from you, something I think you should know." The breath that brushed my ear made my stomach churn. It was hot and smelt of something like dirt and death. I could hear the humor in his words, he was playing with me. 

"If they haven't told me, then it's because they think it's best I don't know about it yet." I defend them. They would have their reasons as to keeping something from me. A part of me was slightly upset, while the other was trying to keep it calm, they had their reasons if they really were. Maybe the demon was just lying, trying to peek my interest and pull me into a mind game. 

"I'll show you, and you decide what you think afterwards." He drew out in a low hum. 

"No, I'm leaving." I try and snatch away from him but, his hands kept me in my place. Something that felt like claws started to dig into my shoulders right above my collar bone. 

"You will not be leaving until I let you."

I needed to go, now. I try and scream in my mind, telling myself to wake the fuck up, to move, fall off the bed, something. Anything to get out of here. 

Nothing seemed to work as I felt the demon pushing me forward. I couldn't see anything at all, it was pitch black. My heart rate picked up as I realized I was stuck for the time being. I clench my hands into fist, trying to hide their shaking. I slide my feet forward in small steps, trying to stay in contact with the ground, not wanting to trip. 

I let out a scream as I get shoved forward, my hands coming in front of me, ready to stop my face from coming in contact with the ground but, there was nothing. I was just free falling. Just like when I fell from the roof but, there was nothing to be seen, no being able to see how close I was to hitting the ground, no sky above me to watch, there wasn't even the feeling of me falling through the air. All I knew was that I was falling, I couldn't feel anything other than the fear that was clawing at my insides. 

Then there was a flash of light, and it all stopped. 

Broken • Choi YeonjunDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu