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I didn't even sleep a wink after Beomgyu had left me. I just lay there, staring at the ceiling, waiting to hear anything about Yeonjun. While also telling myself that my worry for him was normal, it was because he was a friend of mine now.

That's all it was.

I could feel Rerek pushing on the mental 'wall' I had up. I wondered what he wanted, but I was not going to find out.

I sigh for like the millionth time since I came back to my room hours ago.

My thoughts switch up, going to the fact that Yeonjun had been pissed before he went to hell. I wondered if he was still going to act that way now that he was back. I also wondered what the heck he did while in hell, why was he there for so long? What had kept him from returning? The others had acted as if he would come back in no time, the longer it took him to show back up after the first day, I could see their worry start to grow.

And, there was the fact that we would be trying out Taehyun's spell soon now. There was nothing stopping us from doing it now.

Anger, worry, pain, and confusion. That was I was feeling at the moment. All of that made me feel lost. I didn't know where to start with going through my thoughts, I didn't know if I even wanted to try and go through them. Maybe it was just better to push them all away and try to relax...

Easier said then done....


Taehyun sighed as he left Yeonjun's room. He was doing fine, back to his old self actually.

And that was the problem.

Taehyun had tried to get answer's out of him, answers he already knew. He just wanted to confirm his thoughts. But, his friend was not willing to admit to what Taehyun already knew.

Why though? Why was he denying what Taehyun already knew was true? Was he worried about something? Or, did he really hate Evelyn that much, hated her so much that the truth made him mad...?

Taehyun ran a hand over his face, this was to much at this time. He needed to make sure everything was in order for the spell. They needed to try it out as soon as possible, Evelyn was getting worse by the day.

She could deny it as well, but everyone could easily see how much pain she was always in. Her face giving her away.

Taehyun looked over the grammaire again, his eyes scanning the same words he already knew by heart, he had to make sure everything was perfect, or it would fail. Evelyn would have no time left if this went wrong.

There was a lot of weight on Taehyun's shoulder's for this ritual, but he would carry it. Evelyn had become their friend, and they always took care of their friends.


Yeonjun sat in his bed, clean and changed into new clothes.

His anger was boiling as he stared a hole into the wall across from his bed. Evelyn showing up in hell made things harder on him.

He knew two of his friends knew what was going on now, he would not confirm it for them, but they knew.

And that was enough to piss him off.

No one was meant to know, not since Evelyn had already planned on giving up. Yeonjun had been upset when she first said she wanted to give up, then he thought it over and realized, that was his ticket out of this mess.

Now that ticket had went up in flames.

He couldn't tell for sure if he really wanted her to die, it would make things easy for him... yet hard at the same time, just in a way he could handle.

If she lived, then things would be hard for him in a way he could only hide for so long.

Yeonjun sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. His friends were already catching on, Andromaulis knew as well. If the spell worked, they would all find out the truth, sooner or later.

Just kill her.

Yeonjun snapped his eyes closed. There was no way he could do that. She may have caused him a headache from the day she came back, but he would not kill her.

It had been so long since he had heard that voice, he was shocked by it popping up in his mind. This meant things were getting dangerous for him.

He needed to pull his shit back together before something happened.

Yeonjun threw his blanket off of him, standing and fixing his clothes before heading out of his room to find some food, something that was not found in hell. At least not food he would eat.

He came to a halt in the kitchen doorway, the cause of his thought filled mind, sitting at the table with the rest of his friends.

Food would just have to wait. He turned on his heel and stormed back to his room, slamming the door for good measure.

He knew it wasn't her fault, but she was still the reason for it all. If she had just stayed died that day, none of this would be happening.

Life, it loved to cause people pain and annoyance.


I grumble as I look back down at my half eaten plate, no longer hungry for some reason.

Yeonjun had once again stormed out the room. I didn't feel hurt by his actions, I was just pissed at them.

I had been in a good mood, Taehyun had been telling us about the ritual that we would be doing tomorrow afternoon. He let us know we all needed to rest as much as possible, everyone needed to be wide awake, alret, and in their best health. He, and I the most. Him to do the spell, and me to make sure my body could handle it.

There were risks. If it went wrong, I may die tomorrow. A risk I was willing to take.

A small part of me wishing it did go wrong, then I could be out of their hair, but I knew, Taehyun would blame himself if it went wrong and I died.

I let out a sigh as I keep my eyes down on my plate. If this worked, it was back to normal training, back to learning to control this demon, back to dealing with Yeonjun's shit.

It seemed he was going to go back to his asshole ways.

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