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I cringe as Yeonjun hits Soren square in the nose, a crack could easily be heard.

"Yeonjun!" I yell as I stalk over and pull him off the half demon."Stop this, now!"

"He thinks he can just hit you and get away with it because his father told him to train you? I don't think so."

"Calm down." I say as I try and put myself between him and Soren.

"Let him go, he'll just be digging his own grave."

I snap my head around and give Soren a warning look. "I don't know what you're up to, but you need to shut the hell up before you end up back in hell."

"Evelyn, move." Yeonjun said calmly as he kept his eyes on Soren.

My eyes snap over to the door as Soobin and Taehyun come into the room.

"Soren, your father wants you in hell, now." Soobin bit out as he crossed his arms.

In an instant, Soren was gone.

I take a breath as I step back, now things could calm down.

Yeonjun watched me as I rub at my temples, my head aching from the worry I had been feeling.

"Why did you stop me?"

I sigh as I drop my hnds. "Because, he is your bosses son. You really want to risk facing his father over a few brusies?"

"Gladly." He said right before he just up and dissappeared.

My eyes go to Taehyun and Soobin.

"He won't be back." Soobin said trying to offer me a smile.

"I don't understand the big fuss over a few brusises." I sigh as I walk over to join them.

"What woud you do if our rolls were reversed?" Taehyun asked as we headed into the hall.

I think it over, I guess I would be pissed as well.

"And the fact he knows about the bond between you and Yeonjun, yet he stil hurt you on purpose... makes me wonder what he was trying to do." Soobin drawled out.

"What do you mean?" I had wondered if there was more to what was going on, something just felt off.

"It seemed to me he was trying to push Yeonjun to come after him, like he wants his father to be angry at Yeonjun."

I hum as I think that over. What would Soren gain from getting Yeonjunon his fathers bad side? "Do they have a history?"

"A bit," Soobin said with a shake of his head. "Soren has always seemed to be jealous of how kind and fond his father is towards Yeonjun. From the start, Yeonjun had always been a favorite of Andromalius'."

So, it was Soren being a child? He was upset his father liked someone that wasn't even his blood?

I excuse myself as I head to the kitchen, ready to finally have some food after this eventful evening.

I roll my eyes as I see Yeonjun already at the table, seeming to be waiting on me.

"I think I've had enough for tonight." I say as I head for the sink of dishes I didn't get to finish.

"I'm not here to start anything, I just wanted to heal you before I went to bed." He replied simply as he stood and made his way over to me.

"Oh." Is all I say in return as I turn to face him.

I rasie a brow as he just stands there for a few seconds.

"I need to see where all the bruises are to be able to heal them."

My neck and face heat up as I think over the ones on my stomach. "But, when you're healing my headaches, you can't see them?"

He rolls his eyes. "That's because it's internal." He said as if that made snese to me.

I eye him a little before I look away, my hand pulling my shirt up just high enough for him to see the purple marks.

I hold back a gasp as his hand brushes over the spots. My skin tingling where he had touched me.

I turn to face him, his eyes already on my face, watching how I reacted.

He's eyes stay on me as he placed his hand fully over one of the bruises. I look away as I feel my heart pick up its pace. The way he was just watching me, was over whealming.

"I would risk everything, when it comes to you." He says out of no where, causing me to snap my eyes back to his.

"That's just the bond talking." I try and push off the feeling in my chest. It was a weid fluttering feeling that made me feel jittery.

"If that's what you have to tell yourself so you don't have to accept the fact I actually care about you... then fine."

"Yeonjun!" My voice comes out as a squeak as he moves his hand to my hip, where he grabs it firmly and pulls me into him.

"I'll do whatever it takes to make you see how I really feel about you, Evelyn." He brings his other hand up to rest on my jaw where I had another bruise.

As the pain fades away, he tilts my head back.

My brain was screaming for me to push him away, but also telling me to close the small space between us.

I take a breath in as my eyes trail down to his lips, ones that turned up into a smile as he realized where I was looking.

"If you kiss me right now, that will show me I have even a small chance to win you over."

My eyes come back up to his. "I dislike you, so much." My actions said other wise.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pull him down to me, closing the distance between us.

I knew I was going to regret this later, but the pull in my gut was stronger then my self preservation at the moment.

It doesn't even take him a second to push me back so my lower back was pressed into the counter top. His hand on my jaw moved to the back of my neck as he pressed as close to me as he could.


Andromalius shook his head as he looked down at his son. "Don't you think you were being a little obvious?"

Soren sent him a sharp toothed grin. "Not at all."


Imma leave this here for all my lovely readers that desrve for them to finally move closer.

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