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"I will not drink that!" I yell as I lean away from the wooden bowel that Taehyun was offering me.

"It will help slow the decay down." Taehyun sighed as he kept moving the bowel closer, he was tired of fighting me over this. It's been half an hour of this mess.

"No, it has blood in it." I snap back as I gently push the bowel away.

"The last spell I did had blood in it." Taehyun snapped back, he had a point.

"But, I figured that would be a one time thing. Plus, I watched you add Soren's blood in there, I will not drink his blood." I whisper yell the last part, no way was I going to drink that mans blood.

"You have to, he has demon blood in him, it will help you."

"I'll manage." I turn my head away from the bowel that was a few inches away from my face.

"That's it, stop acting like a child!" Yeonjun snapped as he stomped over, squatting behind me and pulling me back into him. "Either drink it willingly, or I will force it down your throat."

"Get the fuck off me Yeonjun!" I try and struggle out of his hold, but I wasn't getting anywhere.

His caring act was getting old, fast. He has been close to me as possible the past few days as all the others tried to find another way to fix what was happening to me. I had begged, yelled, and argued, for all of them to drop it. They refused to listen to me.

"I'm giving you 5 seconds to take it..." He ground out as I kept wiggling around.

My eyes go from the bowel to Taehyun. I let out a sigh as I realize I was being childish as hell, I was just tired of trying to beat fate at this point.

"Fine, let me go." Once he let my arms go, I grab the bowel. "How often to I have to drink this nasty stuff?"

"Once a week." Taehyun said with a weak smile.

Son of a bitch.

I down the bowel as fast as I could, gagging a little after I had got it all down. "That's so nasty." My eyes were watering as I try and make sure I keep it down. "You can get away from me now, I'm going to brush my teeth."

I push Yeonjun back and get to my feet, I did notice that there was no pain in my leg's anymore. Even though it was meant to slow the process of the decay, I don't know how long I could keep up with drinking that. At the end, it wouldn't stop what was happening, it was just buying us time, for what?

In the end there was still only one way for me to live, I had to give my mortal life up...

Was that really that bad of an idea?

I didn't know. There were pros and cons. I would live forever- that was a pro and con in itself. I would no longer have to worry about the demon fragments in my soul, but I would have to fight demons for god knows how long.

I close the bathroom door and bang my head into it a few times, I was so over all of this. I was ready for it all to be over, but they wouldn't let me die. They wouldn't let me just fade away.

Why do they care so much? If I was them I would be glad for me to be gone, I wouldn't have to keep babysitting someone that seemed to always have trouble following their every step.

Then there was Yeonjun... he has been acting so off the past few days. He went from asshole, to caring, back to asshole, and now caring again. He was giving me whiplash. I couldn't keep up with his shit. And the fact we had kissed a few days ago... neither one of us has brought it back up, no way was I going to say anything after he had just walked away.

Just as I was done brushing my teeth for the second time this morning, I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door and sigh. "What?"

"You okay?" Yeonjun asked as he blocked my way of leaving.

"I'm fine." I bite out, I felt myself getting irritated. I don't know what was wrong with me. I used to get pissed at him for being a dick, and now that he was actually treating me like a human, I was still pissed?

"Evelyn, talk to me." I snatch my hand away as he reached for it.

"Talk to you? Yeonjun, you've been so confusing and all over the place. What do I have to say? I want to give up! I'm done fighting, but none of you will listen to me!"

"You've come to far, gave up to much to just let go." He replied as he crossed his arms.

"Exactly, I lost so much trying to beat fate, I'm done. I don't want to lose anymore. I have nothing left but you all. What do I have left? You guys! The world only has you guys to target now. I will not keep going until I lose you all." I pause and take a deep breath. "I can't lose any of you, all y'all have done is help me."

I turn away as I feel my emotions bubble up, I was turning into a cry baby again, and I hated it.

I bite my lip to hold back a gasp as Yeonjun grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into his chest.

"It's a little hard to kill us." He said with a light chuckle.

"I'm not going to test it, Yeonjun." I push my face closer to his chest, letting myself calm down a little.

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now