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"Just focus... a deep breath in... hold... and slowly let it out as you count down from 5." Soren my instructor said with his eyes closed and his legs crossed in front of him.

I followed his voice as I kept my eyes closed as well, trying to clear my mind of any emotions or thoughts, which was kind of easy when his voice was so deep and soothing. It was easy to let everything go and focus on what he was saying.

"Is she even awake?"

My eyes snap open when I hear a new voice.

"Yes." I reply even though he didn't ask me.

He leaned on the wall behind Soren with his arms crossed and a sock covered foot propped on the wall. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask after he said nothing but simply raised his eyebrow.

"Came to make sure you haven't went all demon on us." His eyes shift to the back of Soren's head.

"He doesn't trust me."

My eyes go up to meet Yeonjun's again. "Why not? Because you're half demon?"

"Exactly." Yeonjun replied, his eyes not leaving mine. "When did he tell you he was part demon?"

"I didn't tell her, she sensed it when we shook hands."

It was true, I had thought he was another fallen angel or an angel like Huening Kai, until we shook hands and then something in my brain clicked and the question about his lineage left my mouth before I could process.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Continue." Yeonjun said while waving his hand at us.

"Then leave." I say back, I did not think I could focus with him staring down at me like I was some pesky bug.

"I'm good, I'll just sit here and watch, see how things go."

My eyes follow him as he walks to the corner of the studio, grabbing up a folding chair and placing it close to where he had been standing.

"Let's just keep going." Soren said while offering a sharp toothed smile, another thing that helped me confirm he was part demon.

I nod before closing my eyes and placing my hands in my lap once more, palms up and arms relaxed as I listen to his voice drone through out the room.


Once again Yeonjun stopped us right in the middle of our session.

"What now?" Soren asked before I could open my mouth.

"Why are you using your powers on her?" Yeonjun asked as he stood up.

My eyes go to Soren waiting for his answer, I didn't feel like he was using any powers on me... unless he was. His voice was very calming, like nothing I had ever heard before.

"I'm just trying to help her clear her mind, it's all scrambled with thoughts and you being here has made it worse."

I felt my eyes widen a bit, how did he know my mind was full of thoughts and had gotten worse when Yeonjun had entered?

"She needs to learn to do it on her own, or she will never control the demons powers."

"Wha-" I was cut off as Yeonjun stepped in front of me and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me to my feet.

"He will not be training you any longer." He said as he pulled me out of the room.

Once in the hallway I snatch my arm away and take a step away from him. "Was that really necessary?"

"Yes, he was using his powers. That won't do anything but hinder your ability to control the demon even more. You have to learn it all on your own with just some guidance."

Broken • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now